10 of the Strangest Hobbies People Do

Who knew there were so many strange hobbies out there? From people who collect fingernails to those who eat insects, it seems like there’s no end to the strange things some people do for fun. If you’re looking for a little entertainment, look at some of the strangest hobbies out there! You might find one that you’d like to try out for yourself.

1. Beetle fight

Beetle fighting is a game where you choose different types of beetles to fight against each other. It’s a fun hobby that many people enjoy and a great way to learn about different types of beetles. You can find many different species of beetles in your garden, or you can even buy them at a local pet shop. Once you have your beetles, you can set up a battlefield and let them compete against each other. The winner is the last one standing, and you can even add rules to make the game more interesting.

2. Duck herding

The concept is simple: walk behind a group of ducks and gently nudge them in the right direction. And you’re a duck herder! It’s a great way to get some fresh air and exercise, and amazingly calming. Ducks are notoriously cute, so you’ll get your daily dose of cuteness while duck herding.

Herding ducks is not as easy as it may seem. These animals are notorious for their intelligence and can sometimes be quite stubborn. You need to be patient and persistent if you want to succeed. Who knows, you might even fall in love with this hobby!

3. Geocaching

Have you always wanted to go on a treasure hunt? First, you can try your luck at , and maybe you will enjoy the amazing winning you have dreamed of all your life.

You can also try geocaching! It’s a hobby that combines the best of both worlds: technology and treasure hunting. Geocaching is an activity in which people use technology to find hidden treasures. You can use your mobile phone or a GPS device to find the location of the cache, and then it’s up to you to find it! The caches are often hidden in difficult or hard-to-reach places, so be prepared for a challenge. But don’t worry – the rewards are worth it! Geocaching is a great way to discover new places and have fun with friends and family.

4. Extreme ironing

It’s exactly what it sounds like. This activity involves ironing clothes in different, usually extreme, situations. This can range from ironing while climbing to ironing while skydiving. The challenge is not only in the difficult environments but also in keeping the ironing board steady and getting a good result. Although it may seem like a silly hobby, extreme ironing can be quite dangerous. Besides the obvious risk of injury, there is also the risk of damaging delicate garments with the hot iron. Extreme ironing isn’t for everyone, but for those who enjoy it, it’s the perfect way to make their laundry routine a little more exciting.

5. Newsraiding

Have you always wanted to appear on TV but didn’t quite know how to go about it? Then there is now a new hobby for you: news raiding! For those unfamiliar with the term, news raiding is the activity of appearing as a spectator in the background of television programs. Hobbyists usually choose locations where they will be highly visible on camera and often dress in outlandish or eye-catching outfits to stand out. Some hobbyists enjoy the public’s attention, while others use their appearances to convey a message or promote a cause. No matter their motivation, those who participate in news raiding will surely have a unique and memorable experience.

6. Collecting elements

Collecting elements from the periodic table can be a fun hobby for anyone interested in chemistry. Although it may seem daunting initially, all it takes is patience and a good periodic table of elements. The most common way to collect elements is to find them in their natural form. For example, fluorine in the mineral fluorite or chlorine in common salt. However, some rare elements can only be found in laboratories or produced artificially. Regardless of where you find them, collecting elements can be a fascinating hobby that gives you a better understanding of the building blocks of our universe.

7. Stone skipping

Stone skipping is a popular hobby for many people of all ages. The aim is to throw a stone across a body of water and have it bounce as often as possible. Although this may seem like a simple task, it requires some skill and practice to be successful. In addition, many different techniques increase the number of bounces. Although stone skipping is not a competitive sport, some guidelines should be followed to ensure a safe and enjoyable experience. For example, it is important to choose a stone of the right size and shape and ensure the water surface is smooth and free of obstacles. With a little practice, anyone can become a stone-skipping master!

8. Legal recourse

Some people like to go fishing at the weekend. Others like to take long walks in the park. And then some enjoy nothing more than going to court to sue someone. For them, going to court is a hobby. They live for the thrill of litigation and always seek their next case. Ok, this belongs more in the comedy category, but it seems at least one person made suing a real hobby. Despite being incarcerated in Kentucky, Jonathan Lee Riches has made it into the Guinness Book of World Records.

9. Toy voyaging

Some people take their toys on trips and document their adventures in a toy travel diary. They even create profiles for their toys, describing their likes and dislikes, favorite foods, and dream destinations. For these toy travelers, the world is a playground – and every new destination is an opportunity to make new friends and discover new things. Whether they take their toys to the beach or the mountains, they will surely have a fun adventure. And who knows – you might even be inspired to take your toys on a trip!

10. Shaping trees

Shaping trees is a great hobby where you can turn live trees and other shrubs into artistic shapes or functional structures. For example, you can turn a tree into a giant bird sculpture or an archway for people to walk through. Trees are very sturdy, so you can let your imagination run wild with this hobby. It’s also a great way to exercise and get some fresh air. And if you’re good, you can earn money by selling your creations. So if you’re looking for a new hobby, why not try tree pruning?


The world has fascinating and unusual hobbies showcasing people’s diverse interests and passions. From insect control to extreme ironing, there seems to be no limit to the creativity and imagination people bring to their leisure time. These strange hobbies are fun and adventurous and provide opportunities to learn, explore new places, and connect with like-minded people. While some may consider these hobbies strange or unconventional, they demonstrate the wide range of human interests and the unlimited possibilities to find joy and satisfaction in unexpected places.

So, whether you’re intrigued by raising ducks or collecting rocks, exploring these peculiar hobbies can open up a new world of fascination and personal discovery. After all, sometimes the strangest hobbies can lead to the most memorable and rewarding experiences. Have you ever tried any of these strange hobbies? Some of them are worth a try – who knows, you might even like them. And if not, at least you can say you tried them!