3 best Oral Steroids Canada

Many people want to buy steroids. However, there are some things you need to know before using . First of all, you should understand what steroids are. So, steroids are hormones that are synthesized in the human body from the cholesterol molecule. However, people have learned to make synthetic steroids for medical purposes. There are two types of steroids – catabolic and anabolic. Catabolic steroids, as the name suggests, are necessary for catabolism in the human body. In medicine, they are used to reduce inflammatory factors. Anabolic steroids are necessary for anabolism. That is, with their help, more protein is synthesized in muscle tissue, so muscles grow faster. This property of anabolic steroids has attracted the attention of athletes. People began to use steroids not only for treatment but also for muscle growth, to improve physical and athletic performance. Steroids are very popular among both pro athletes and amateurs.

Why Oral Steroids Stand Out

Most athletes use injectable steroids. However, who loves injections? We all hate injections! The use of a non-sterile syringe may lead to blood poisoning. After all, some people have fear of the injections. That’s why oral steroids stand out. No solutions and syringes. Just take the pill and continue your workout. It is much more familiar and convenient for us. Despite their ease of use, oral steroids are still a powerful tool for increasing strength, endurance, and motivation. Why endure injections if your muscles can grow with the pill?

Best Oral Steroids

So that the abundance of the range does not confuse you, we have compiled a list of the best oral .


Dianabol is the trade name for the substance Methandrostenolone. Dianabol has been one of the most popular oral steroids among athletes since the 70s of the last century! The bodybuilders of the golden era preferred Dianabol and achieved incredible results. They achieved incredible muscle growth in the offseason. And this is not surprising, because this oral steroid is almost as powerful as injectables. It was rumored that one “Austrian bodybuilder” (no names!) used stack Dianabol + Deca. And this helped him become who he is. Wow.

Dianabol Benefits:

It helps to quickly increase the muscle mass, so you can expect results as early as 5-6 days of use. Dianabol stimulates muscle protein synthesis. Muscle growth reaches 8-15 pounds per cycle. Moreover, these are dry muscles, not excess fluid. That is, they will not disappear after the end of the cycle.

Increase Strength: Dianabol is able to increase the concentration of nitrogen in the body, so by the end of the first week of your cycle, you will be able to significantly increase strength. An extra 10-20 pounds on your barbell isn’t bad, isn’t it?

Increased Endurance: Due to glycogenesis, you will have more energy to exercise.

Dianabol has almost no androgenic effects, so you are unlikely to face side effects like acne, hair loss, or enlarged prostate.

Dianabol cycle:

Week 1 – 20 mg / day, week 2 – 20 mg / day. week 3 – 25 mg / day, week 4 – 25 mg / day, week 5 25 mg / day, week 6 – 25mg / day.


Superdrol is the trade name for the substance Methasterone. Superdrol is one of the best steroids in the bodybuilding world as it provides massive muscle growth and increases strength. Superdrol is really super. It is often referred to as Oral Trenbolone because, like Trenbolone, this steroid produces lean muscle gains that will not disappear after a cycle along with the excess fluid. This is due to the fact that Superdrol is practically not aromatized, that is, it does not turn into estrogen, which means it does not cause edemas. However, there are also some side effects. Superdrol is hepatotoxic, so you should take ancillaries (for example, milk thistle or TUDCA) to protect your liver.

Benefits of Superdrol:

Muscle growth. And this is really muscles, not water. Superdrol will help you build muscle that won’t go when your cycle is over. With Superdrol, you can increase your muscle mass by 20-25 pounds. This is impressive.

Increased strength. No. The powerful and quick increase in strength. You will feel the effects of Superdrol on the 3rd day of the course. However, caution should not be forgotten. When your strength grows so quickly, you may run the risk of injury. Your muscles are strong enough for huge weights, but your joints and ligaments are not. Well, give them time.

Superdrol cycle:

Week 1 – 20 mg / day, week 2 – 20 mg / day, week 3 – 20 mg / day, week 4 – 20 mg / day.


Anavar is a great steroid and here’s why: It helps to increase muscle mass while burning fat at the same time. Moreover, Anavar can even burn the visceral fat, not too many steroids can do this. Due to these benefits, it gained popularity among athletes. It is worth noting that Anavar will not give you a huge increase in muscle mass, it is for mild cruising and polishing gains. Have you already achieved lean muscles? Anavar will help you make them even leaner.

Benefits of Anavar:

Lean muscles. The not too powerful increase (5-10 pounds per cycle), but these muscles are lean and strong and will not disappear after a cycle.

Increased strength. You will be able to lift 15-20 pounds more.

Burning fat. Anavar burns your fat (visceral fat too!) and reduces your appetite.

Increases regeneration and strengthens your bones.

Anavar cycle:

Week 1 – 15 mg / day, wwek 2 – 14 mg / day, week 3 – 15 mg / day, week 4 – 20 mg / day, week 5 – 20 mg / day, week 6 – 20 mg / day.


Oral steroids may replace injectable ones, and this is true. Many of them are highly effective and you don’t have to make injections. The method of use is extremely simple and convenient. However, beware of liver damage and don’t forget to take milk thistle and TUDCA.