3 Ways to Boost Your Business’ Online Visibility

For generations, consumers relied on word of mouth for business referrals. The people around them served as a vetting system for whom to do business with and whom to avoid. But as society changes, so do the way individuals search for solutions to their day-to-day problems. 

Today, online search is the first — and sometimes only — way potential clients seek out service providers. Search results can drive business for everything from legal advice to home repairs and even childcare. You can improve your results when people can find your company, see what services you offer, and check reviews. 

To rank high enough to get noticed, you’ll need to make a few strategic moves. First, you’ll need to understand how search engine optimization (SEO) works and how it can boost your visibility online.  

1. Commit to Creating Valuable Content

When people go online, they’re not just looking to be entertained — they’re looking to learn. And if you’re an expert of any type, it’s your loss if you aren’t teaching the masses. Creating engaging educational content delivers a multilayered benefit. You showcase your subject matter expertise, the reader becomes more informed, and you build trust with your audience. 

Trust is important in every industry, but if yours is one where skepticism runs rampant, content can help. For example, if you’re an attorney, integrating into your existing advertising efforts makes all kinds of sense. Many law firms rely on big billboard ads and alphabetical preferences within the phone book. While these strategies still exist, they aren’t as effective as they once were. Instead, consider how developing a robust suite of content can highlight your expertise and abilities. 

To get started, consider your target audience’s needs and questions. They’ll likely go online to learn more about the process if they navigate a medical malpractice claim. Using the blog feature of your web publishing tool, craft content that answers critical questions. Link keywords within the body to your services, and win case history and inquiry forms for consultation. Limiting your keywords and phrases increases the likelihood of higher search rankings for each topic.

2. Leverage Local Search

While many companies can provide goods and services regardless of physical location, for others, proximity still matters. Owners of home renovation businesses, for example, are likely to seek local jobs. That’s why it’s important to develop credibility in the areas where you serve clients. Improving local SEO is a multi-step process, but its rewards are worth the effort. 

First, optimize your business using , which you may already have experienced without even realizing it. The free service from Google can supercharge your appearance to potential customers by serving as a source of truth. Practically replacing the services of the White Pages, the top search result displays your location, hours, and contact information. 

This simple yet essential result can streamline search results and reduce the noise of competing businesses. With a clearer suite of information, your business will look more legitimate, thanks to your claimed page. You’ll own the first impression experience and can help clarify who you are and what you do. 

Add photos to show examples of your work, conveying expertise and giving customers a quality benchmark. This can be especially helpful if you’re in the skilled trades business where customers have many options but few details. Leave no profile blank or unfulfilled; the algorithm and consumers prefer a complete profile.

3. Build Links to Boost Your Authority

Your website has all the information your potential customers need, but why should they trust you? Just like word of mouth, peer reviews and endorsements carry weight. But how do you get them in the digital age? By building links, of course. 

After you’ve developed your content library, you’ll need to expand your reach in ways that bring customers in. One way of doing this is by guest posting on other websites and linking your content back to specific posts. Create a set of keywords that you expect to drive new business to your site. Attribute a keyword to a link and use it repeatedly across guest post opportunities. 

Create relationships with blogs, news outlets, and industry sites to share content with their readers. Approach these opportunities with a spirit of helpfulness, not sales tactics, as outlets and readers alike will know the difference. Use these new platforms to share information and offer support before pitching.

Backlinks will boost your site’s — and your business’s — authority in its industry. The more frequently you appear, the higher you’ll rank on search results and in the minds of your potential customers. Maintain a consistent link-building effort to keep your posts fresh, improving outcomes and credibility with the reader. 

Be Ready for Changing Digital Trends

If there’s one thing for sure, technology trends are ever-changing. To maintain the edge you’ve gained by improving your online visibility, you need to monitor what’s on the horizon. However, that doesn’t mean you need to jump onto every new platform that’s hot with the crowd. Instead, observe and note what people are paying attention to, sampling what makes sense for your business goals. 

For example, social media transformed the way we consume video. What once was long-form, lean-back entertainment is now something that consumers want in small bites and multiple modes. Graphics and text on the screen are more than just inclusive — they let viewers engage even when sound isn’t an option. Using new approaches can help you show up more strategically online in ways that consumers are accustomed to. And when you do, your rankings and client engagements will trend upward with each move.