4 Reasons the First Year of Marriage Can Be Challenging

You may well have been the type of person who dreamt of their wedding since you were a small child, and now, as an adult, you are hopefully living the dream of married life as a reality.

However, any married couple, especially those who have been together for a long time, who tells you that it has been plain sailing for the entire time is either lying or incredibly lucky. With that being said, here are four reasons why the first year of marriage can be challenging.

Your Sex Life Has Diminished

One of the most popular causes of feelings of unease and unrest between newly married couples is the fact that they may well not be as intimate in the bedroom as they were before they were married.

Naturally, this is simply due to the fact that before, during the dating stages, everything was new and exciting, and now your love has transformed into a stronger and more comforting bond instead. Don’t forget that you will be tired after all the stress of planning the wedding too! Sometimes, you simply need to rest. However, if you do feel this is becoming an issue for one or both of you, then you should consider , which will provide you with a new and fresh perspective.

The Niggling ‘Little Things’

Another perfectly normal and entirely understandable reason why you may be feeling as if your new husband or wife seems to be more annoying than they ever were before is because of the ‘little things’.

Now, and are, more than likely, living together, if this union of housing was not there before, both of you will suddenly notice the bad, or at least slightly irritating habits, of the other one.

After all, it is often said that you can never truly know someone until you live with them.

Post Wedding Blues

Contrary to popular belief, the concept of post-wedding blues is absolutely viable, and what is more, it is another exceedingly common reason why you may be experiencing some small issues within your marriage.

can be chased away for the pair of you in the following ways, to name just a few:

  • Plan date nights away from the house
  • Organize your home (and put your presents away)
  • Find a new obsession you can share together
  • Talk about it with your spouse
  • Deliberately plan days off from work together
  • Save your money for a mini moon

Communication Issues

Finally, and perhaps the overarching key thing to remember, if one or both of you are experiencing ill feelings and worry surrounding your newly married life together, it can more than likely be entirely solved by .

The easiest way to allow resentment and even, in some cases, jealousy into your marriage is to bottle up your feelings and emotions and neglect to communicate them honestly and openly to your partner. From now on, whatever you are experiencing, you should find time to sit down and talk your spouse through your emotions.