9 Red Flags To Watch Out For In Your Relationship

Toxic relationships are hard to spot. They usually start like any other relationship- full of excitement, butterflies, and a constant texting stream. You might not know when one starts becoming toxic until it’s too late for your good!

This article will discuss some of the most common red flags to watch out for in your relationship. If you see any of these signs in , it might be time to end things and move on.

How To Tell You Are In Toxic Relationship: 9 Red Flags

If your partner does any of the following things, it might be time to reevaluate the relationship. Read on to discover some details about major red flags.

Your Partner Constantly Puts You Down Or Makes You Feel Bad About Yourself

If your partner is constantly putting you down, making fun of you, or making you feel bad about yourself, that’s a huge red flag. No one deserves to be treated like that, and it’s not healthy for your relationship.

In the first stages of a relationship, it’s normal for your partner to want to make sure you feel good about yourself. Still, if it starts to feel like they’re constantly trying to tear you down, that’s not healthy.

Your Partner Is Always Angry Or Short-Tempered

If your partner is consistently angry or short-tempered, things can be challenging in your relationship. It’s hard to communicate and connect with someone when they’re always mad, and it can lead to many arguments and conflicts.

If your partner is always angry, try to talk to them about what’s going on and see if there’s anything you can do to help them calm down. If nothing seems to help, it might be time to break up.

You Don’t Spend Time With Your Friends Or Family Together

One of the first things you might notice when your relationship turns sour is that you stop spending time with your friends and family. Your partner might feel possessive and want to keep you all to themselves. This is a huge red flag that you’re in a toxic relationship!

If your partner stops you from seeing your loved ones, it’s time to take a step back and reassess what’s going on. Don’t lose your connection with close friends and family just because your partner is possessive!

Your Partner Is Never Willing To Compromise Or Communicate Openly

Suppose your partner is never willing to compromise or communicate openly. If you constantly have to walk on eggshells around them or if they always have to have the last word, it’s not healthy. Your partner’s behavior could be insecurity, narcissism, or just plain old selfishness.

Whatever the reason, it’s not something you should tolerate in a relationship. Communication is vital in any relationship. If you’re not able to do that with your partner, it’s not going to work out.

Your Partner Makes Fun Of You In Public

Destructive criticism disguised as “jokes” is a form of emotional abuse. It’s incredibly hurtful when your partner makes fun of you in public because it can make you feel like you’re not good enough for them. Likewise, if your partner is constantly putting you down in front of other people, it’s a red flag that they don’t respect you.

An abusive partner aims to reassure you in the most toxic way possible that they are better than you and that you need them to survive. If your partner regularly makes fun of you, it’s time to end the relationship. You deserve someone who loves and respects you, not someone who puts you down.

Your Partner Withdraws Love When You Don’t Do What They Want

Suppose your partner constantly withdraws their love and affection when you don’t do what they want. This behavior is often a sign of emotional manipulation, which is not healthy in a relationship.

Suppose your partner can’t seem to be happy unless you’re doing what they want. In that case, it’s time to have a serious conversation about what’s going on. Probably not the healthiest relationship out there.

Your Partner Controls Every Aspect Of Your Life

Genuine interest at the beginning of a relationship is flattering. But if your partner starts to demand to know where you are every minute of the day, what you’re doing, and who you’re with, that’s a huge red flag. This behavior is often a control tactic to ensure you’re not seeing anyone else or doing anything without their permission.

Suppose your partner starts to control everything you do. In that case, you should have a serious conversation about what you’re comfortable with and your boundaries. If they can’t or won’t respect your wishes, that’s a sign that this isn’t a healthy relationship.

Your Partner Is Always Demanding And Never Takes Your Feelings Into Account

If your partner is always demanding and never takes your feelings into account, it’s time to have a serious talk. This behavior is a red flag that indicates they’re not interested in what’s best for you or the relationship – only what benefits them.

Hiding things from you, whether it’s what they did last weekend or how much money they make, is another sign that something isn’t right. If your partner can’t be honest with you about simple things, they’re likely hiding something more significant. This lack of trust can quickly destroy a relationship.

Your Gut Tells You Something Is Wrong

We all have that little voice inside us that tells us when something is wrong. So whether it’s a job, a relationship, or anything else in life, if your gut is telling you there’s a problem, there’s probably a good reason.

In relationships, this feeling can be even more confusing because we want to believe that the person we’re with is good for us. We don’t want to think that we might be making a mistake. But if you’re starting to feel like something isn’t right, it’s essential to trust your gut and pay attention to what it’s telling you.


So, these are some of the major red flags to watch out for in your relationship. If you see any of these warning signs, it’s essential to address the issue with your partner as soon as possible. Ignoring these warning signs can lead to a toxic relationship down the line.