99+ Trick Questions to Leave them Confused

Do you want to challenge yourself or your friends with trick questions? Here some of the most confusing questions that will give your mind some work before coming up with an answer.

Confusing Trick Questions

Whenever we hang out with friends or family to have a bit of fun, we can ask these trick questions. You can also throw these questions on Whatsapp Group chat. Though they seem to be simple, it’s not easy to find an answer to them.

Asking these questions and watching people struggling to find the answers can be really fun. These questions can be used in funny challenges as well. No doubt, the questions given here will confuse everyone listening to them.

Witty and Confusing Trick Questions

The questions given below will make you think twice before answering. Ask these trick questions and surprise them with funny and witty answers.

Funny and Confusing Questions

1. I am an Odd number. If you remove one letter from me, I’ll become even. Who Am I?


2. What is that belongs to you but used by other people more than you?

Your Name

3. How many months in a year have 28 days?

All the Months

4. How many seconds are there in a Year?

Twelve – January 2nd, February 2nd. March 2nd…. December 2nd.

5. Name three consecutive days without using Wednesday, Friday, and Sunday.

Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow

6. You are in a dark room. You have a candle, Newspaper and an old Lamp and only one matchstick to light them. What would you light first?


7. A man in full black was walking on the road on a No moon day. A black car comes from the opposite direction without its headlights On. But still, the Accident didn’t happen. How?

It was day time.

8. I have plenty of teeth. Still, I can’t eat anything. Who am I?

A Comb

9. Seven birds are sitting on a tree. A hunter shoots one bird. How many birds are left?

None, because one is dead and the rest of them flew away

10. What do you call the security outside Samsung Store?

The Guardians of the Galaxy

Questions to leave people confused

11. Which two keys can’t open the door?

Monkey and Donkey

12. You see a room full of people. But there is not a single person in the room. How can it be possible?

All of them are married.

13. If a plane crashes at the India-Pakistan border, where do you bury the survivors?

Survivors aren’t buried.

14. This has water all over it but still not wet. What is it?

A Map

15. How many apples can you eat on an empty stomach?

One. Once you eat the first apple, your stomach won’t be empty anymore.

16. If you are asked to take three pills at the interval of half an hour, what is the total time you need to take all three pills?

One hour. 

17. A plane crashed, and every single person on the plane died. Still, two people survived. Who are these people?

Two married people

18. Suppose an electric train is moving at a speed of 100kmph towards East and the wind speed at 30kmph towards North. What is the direction of the smoke from the train?

Electric Trains won’t emit Smoke.

19. There are two people in a room, a Lawyer and a Doctor. The Lawyer is the Doctor’s son. But the Doctor is not Lawyer’s Father. How’s it possible?

The Doctor is the Lawyer’s mother.

20. There are ten mangoes in a box. If you took six of them, how many are you left with?

The Six You took.

Confusing questions to ask Friends

These questions leave the people confused, and they have a hard time finding the answers. It will generate a great laugh when they get to know that the solution was very simple.

Trick Questions to ask Friends

21. What thing gets wet while drying?


22. I start out tall, But the longer I stand, the shorter I become. Who am I?

A Candle.

23. What has a head and a tail, but No Body?

A Coin

24. What do you do when you are stuck outside your house, and you have lost the key?

You talk to the lock. Because Communication is the KEY

25. If the Vice President dies, who will act as President?

President himself

26. How can someone not sleep for 15 days?

By sleeping at Nights

27. What goes up and down but remains still at the same place?


28. How many letters are there in Alphabet?

11 Letters

29. I’m so sensitive that even if you say my name, I’ll break. Who am I?


30. You can see right through the wall because of this. What is it?

A Window

Simple Questions Hard Answers

31. What do you call a crying sister?


32. You are driving a Bus. Initially, there are ten people on the bus. At the first stop, five people leave, and seven people board the bus. In the second stop, three people go, and no one boards. At the third stop, ten people leave, and four people enter the bus. And then the bus reaches its final destination. What is the age of the driver?

It’s your age because you are driving the bus.

33. What is that you can’t touch but still hold?

A Conversation

34. What happened when the wheel was invented?

A Revolution

35. What bird can lift the most weight?

A Crane.

36. If Mr. A’s cock laid eggs in Mr. B’s house, whom do the eggs belong to?

Cocks don’t lay eggs.

37. Who is Bigger? Mr. Bigger, Mrs. Bigger, or their Baby?

Their baby because it is little Bigger

38. What has a neck but no head?

A Bottle

39. A boy fell from a 100-foot ladder. Still, he didn’t get hurt. Why?

Because he fell from the first step.

40. Name four days that start with the letter T.

Tuesday, Thursday, Today, and Tomorrow.

Hard to answer Riddles

The trick questions given below have simple answers, but it’s not easy to find them. You can successfully confuse your friends by asking them questions.

Trick and Confusing Questions

41. If you were running in a race and ran past the person in second place, which place would you be in?

If your answer is ‘First,’ You are wrong. You will be in second place.

42. Imagine you are in the middle of an ocean and drowning. There isn’t anybody to dave you around. But still, you survive; how?

Stop Imagining.

43. If ten people build a wall in 6 days, how many days 20 people would take to build it?

Zero, Because the Wall is already built

44. What do you find at the end of every Rainbow?

Letter W

45. Which word is spelled incorrectly in all the Dictionaries?


46. What do you call a Bee that is born in America?


47. I’m lighter than paper. Still, the strongest of the people can’t hold me for more than 5 minutes? Who am I?


48. What weighs more? One Kg of Iron or One kg of Cotton?

Both are Same.

49. HE sat between two MATs. His qualification is ICS. Who is He?


50. Why is it illegal for a man living in North Korea to be buried in South Korea?

You can’t bury a living man.

Best Trick Questions to confuse people

51. Which English word has three continuous double letters?


52. What starts with E and ends with E but has only one letter inside?


53. A cowboy went to the town on Friday. He stayed there for three days and came back on Friday. How’s that possible?

Friday is the name of his horse.

54. What makes you young?

A ‘N’ and ‘G’ in the end.

55. What did the Taco tell the fork?

You hurt My fillings.

56. This thing is full of holes. But it can still hold liquid. What is it?


57. Before Mt. Everest was discovered, which was the tallest mountain on the earth?

Mt. Everest itself, it wasn’t discovered that’s it.

58. If you spell ‘sit in the tub’ as S-O-A-K and ‘A funny Story’ as J-O-K-E, How do you spell ‘White of an Egg’?

E-G-G W-H-I-T-E (It’s not Yoke)

59. Why do the cows have Hooves instead of their Feet?

Because they Lactose (Lack Toes).

60. What goes up as soon as the rain comes down?

An Umbrella

Confusing Questions to ask in Whatsapp Groups

We all are part of Whatsapp groups, and it’s fun to ask these trick questions in those groups. It would be good relief to have some fun in this busy life while giving work to your brain.

Confusing and hard to answer questions

61. Your pocket is empty but still has something in it? How is that possible?

Something is a hole.

62. A house is on fire, and there are three important rooms in it. One room has lots of money, the second room has Gold, and the third room has important papers. Which room do the policemen put out the fire first?

Policemen don’t put out the fire. Firemen do

63. I can run, but I can’t walk. Who am I?

A water drop.

64. Where does Wednesday come before Tuesday?

A Dictionary

65. What has two hands and a face but no arms and legs?

A Clock

66. What is that can’t be held but broken?


67. If you throw a black stone into the Pink Sea, what will it become?


68. How many times can you subtract 4 from 40?

Only Once. Next time you will be subtracting 4 from 36.

69. An egg falls on a concrete floor from the fifth floor but still doesn’t break. How?

The Egg breaks, not the Concrete floor.

70. Is it illegal for a man to marry his widow’s sister?

No, But he is already dead.

Tricky Questions and Riddles

71. Nine people are sitting on a couch. Three legs break, and Five men leave. How many legs are remaining?

Nine. Eight Legs that belong to four men and one remaining leg of the couch.

72. In which year New Year came before Christmas?

Every Year

73. What is as big as an elephant but weighs nothing?

An Elephant’s shadow

74. What comes once in a minute, Twice in a moment, and never in One Thousand Years?

The letter M

75. Which English word has the same pronunciation even if you remove four letters from it?


76. What goes up but never comes down?


77. Why can’t a bike stand on its own?

Because it is Too (Two) Tired

78. The more you have it, the less you see. What is it?


79. What gets sharper the more you use it?


80. You are sitting at the North of the table and place a coffee mug facing towards you. Where will be the handle of the mug?


Funny Trick Questions that make you Laugh

We have given some trick questions below. They are hard to crack, but you find them very funny when you get to know the answer.

Funny Questions whose answers are hard to find

81. I am an insect. The first part of me is another insect. Who Am I?


82. What runs but never walks. Murmurs but never talks. He has a bed but never sleeps. And has a mouth but never eats?

A River.

83. A man was standing outside, and it was raining heavily. He was all wet from head to toe. But no hair on his head was wet. How’s this possible?

He was bald

84. Name two things that can not be eaten for Lunch?

Breakfast and Dinner

85. Rich People want it, and Poor People have it. If you eat it, you will die. What is it?


86. What gets bigger, the more you take from it?

A Hole

87. Which room doesn’t have any walls?

A Mushroom

88. Ajay, a blacksmith, is 37 years old, and he is 6 feet tall. He is always eating. What does he weigh?


89. What doesn’t ask you a question, but you still answer?

Mobile Phone

90. What is a Five letter word that becomes shorter even after adding two letters to it?


Tricky and Confusing Questions to ask people

91. It dies when it drinks, but it is fine when it eats. What is it?


92. I come once in a year, twice in a week, and never in a day. Who am I?

Letter E

93. How to make One disappear?

By adding a G to it. It’s Gone

94. Bill’s mother has four sons. Three of them are North, South, and East. What’s the name of the 4th son?

If your answer is West, it’s wrong. The 4th son is Bill himself.

95. A car driver was going in the wrong direction in one way. Still, no policeman stopped him. Why?

He was walking on the road.

96. Two words, when combined, hold a lot of letters. What are they?

Post Office

97. Two Mothers and Two Daughters went out and ate a pizza with four pieces. Still, there was one piece left. How?

There were only three people GrandMother, Mother, and Daughter.

98. How many legs does an elephant have if you count it’s trunk as one?

Four, even if ‘You’ considers the trunk as a leg, an elephant has only Four legs.

99. A monkey, a squirrel, and a Bird are trying to race to the top of a coconut tree. Who is most likely to get the banana first?

Coconut trees don’t grow Bananas.

100. What has four eyes but still can’t see?



That’s all for this article. I hope you found the collection of Funny and Confusing trick questions was useful. Thanks for reading our articles. Please keep visiting our website and read more and more articles.