9 Secrets How To Becoming The Best Podcaster

Creating and running your podcast is not as technically challenging as it might seem at first glance. All you need to record audio and publish podcasts is a microphone and audio editing software, although are nice to have as well. There are now applications on the phone for a completely amateur version, inside which you can record, edit, and publish a podcast. However, today, there are many podcasts, and it is difficult to stand out from the competition. Therefore, we have prepared nine secrets that will lead you to success!

Develop Your Speech Style

Each person has an individual style of speech: optimistic, restrained, businesslike, etc. Therefore, we recommend that you develop your speech style- write down your voice’s language features and apply them in podcasts. Many speakers are confident that a perfectly delivered speech is the key to success.

However, the key to success is to be yourself – with speech chips, burrs, and other flaws. Remain the person your family and friends love so much. This will allow you to attract a lot of listeners because simplicity and soulfulness are always in trend. Moreover, it will be easier to convert after recording the podcast.

Get Rid Of Conversations In Robot Style

Why do you love listening to podcasts? Chances are, you like the relaxed atmosphere and easy presentation of information. People do not like to listen to the presenters who, like working with a piece of paper, read the text. People want to hear your opinion on a topic, not encyclopedic data. Therefore, speak from the bottom of your heart, whatever you think, and listeners will add your podcasts to their favorites.

Create Themed Podcasts

A podcast must have a clear theme. The topic can be quite narrow or, on the contrary, very wide, but it is challenging to promote a podcast without a topic, especially with increasing competition.

Imagine that a potential listener discovers that there is another podcast of interviews with people from different fields or another conversational podcast in the spirit of “friends met in the kitchen to discuss issues of interest.” Without some topic, it is difficult for the listener to understand whether these podcasts will interest him. But if they see this podcast about fitness and a healthy lifestyle, they know how close or remote your topic is from their interests.

Many podcasters believe that creating non-thematic podcasts opens the door to new audiences – but being sprayed on all topics at once is very difficult. Another plus of themed podcasts is that you will be the only player there if you choose the right niche, and people will direct all their attention to you.

Ideas for good topic podcasts:

  • about fiction;
  • how to educate animals;
  • about psychology;
  • discussion of controversial ethical issues;
  • about relationships and genders;
  • meditation;
  • about coffee;
  • about health.

Come Up With a Feature For Podcast

Beyond the theme and genre, it’s good to think about some unusual podcast presentation that can become a feature that makes people want to listen to this podcast. An exciting topic or niche is part of the trick but should be an unusual approach to this topic.

For example, the Beats & Chords podcast is a podcast about music. In each new issue, the invited musicians talk about some of their singles, how they appeared, and so on.

Before launching your podcast, be sure to research what similar podcasts are already there – by format or topic, especially pay attention to new ones. There is no point in making a copy today. Try something new – in terms of presentation, format, or subject matter.

Stick to the Golden Middle of Duration And Regularity

The industry’s gold standard is a podcast in the 45-minute region, which airs once a week. At the same time, some podcasts are shorter or, on the contrary, longer. The people to get rid of bad thoughts while exercising, doing household chores, or preparing dinner. The podcasts that are too short are inconvenient – the person has not yet arrived at work, and the podcast has already ended.

How to choose the perfect time for your podcast? It all depends on how much interesting material you have. If you have something interesting to tell for an hour, do it. If you only have 20 minutes of information, don’t chat for an hour.

The format also affects the length of the podcast. Conversational and interview podcasts can easily be listened to for an hour. However, it can be challenging to listen to solo podcasts for so long – for them, 20-30 minutes is a better choice. See how long the podcasts you like are. If their length suits you, take note of this.

The main thing to remember is that no matter what duration you choose, it is better to stick to this duration in all episodes. Listeners do not always like it when one episode is 20 minutes and the next one and a half hours since when they launch your podcast, they already have an established expectation of how long your episode will last.

Come Up With A Vibrant Name And Design

The podcast title and cover are significant. Take the time to create an interesting, colorful design and develop an eye-catching, easy-to-remember name. If it seems to you that the title and pictures are secondary, then you are very much mistaken. The podcast world is arranged so that often, a person decides to listen or not listen to a new show impulsive and often emotionally at a level.

If you’ve already chosen a niche for your podcast, look at what podcasts are already in that area to avoid duplicate titles, similar images, and ideas. How do I choose a podcast title? You can call the podcast by name – this option is suitable if you are a public figure or an expert in your circles. The podcast may contain some fictitious name – this name does not have to mean something or directly specifically explain what the podcast is about. Instead, it should hint at something, and there should be intrigue in it.

How do I create a podcast cover? People can get hooked on the picture when they flip through the top podcast charts in different apps. A picture with a bright design or an exciting idea can make a person click on a podcast just out of curiosity. You can use the following ideas to create a podcast cover design:

  • your photo;
  • illustration or clipart from a photo bank;
  • collage;
  • podcast title text on some background;
  • the company logo.

Promote Your Podcasts

Podcasts don’t promote themselves. If you decide to record audio, throw them into a podcast, and hope that soon the audience will come to you, this will most likely not happen. Podcasts lack promotion tools such as recommendations and the search bar on Youtube. Podcasts are inconvenient to share with friends on social networks, and they do not have a single system of likes and comments. So even if you do a good podcast, there is a risk that your potential audience will never know.

Therefore, we recommend converting speech to text. Then you can place the text version on free sites that allow you to promote services, products, and other exciting things. By converting , you can also get backlinks – people will share your thoughts and attract new audiences. Moreover, you will be able to improve your position in search engines – search robots have not yet learned how to extract information from podcasts, and the only way to become recognizable is to transcribe recordings periodically.

Ask People For Opinion About Podcasts

You shouldn’t be tormented by thoughts and conjectures about whether people like your podcast. More often than not, people will not talk about the disadvantages of podcasts and will stop listening to them. So don’t let listeners leave your podcast – ask people what they don’t like live. In the early stages, this will help you determine what to change in the records. Keeping the podcast free of the jaggies beforehand will increase your chances of being successful in the future. Real reviews will help you improve style, format, duration, and more. Consider only objective facts – reviews about your appearance will not affect podcasts in any way.

Enjoy The Podcast Making Process

Have fun with what you are doing! Your audience always feels when you do podcasts from the heart and when for the sake of need. Never release a recording because it is for deadlines or advertisements. If you are currently depressed or not in the mood, postpone the recording. People are more interested in listening to someone who inspires and invigorates.