AI in Online Dating: The Algorithm That Finds The Perfect Match

Why do so many people gravitate to online dating these days? For many, it’s the convenience of flirting with prospective partners from the comfort of home, safe in the knowledge that your direct messages are secure, and if you don’t click with a particular site user, another will be around the corner.

It can be easy to uncover people on your wavelength, too. If you happen to love casual encounters, signing up to a website dedicated to this activity will instantly put you in touch with kindred spirits. Newcomers can join the affair community by completing an application form in minutes, and then receive guidance and support from more seasoned members. If you’re seeking no strings attached mature flings, at least until you come across someone you feel an affinity to, there are scores of sites along with that will accommodate your desires. This kind of dating site is exclusively aimed at mature singles who know exactly what they are looking for in a relationship. And thanks to smart matchmaking, the process of matching hot date mates is quick and easy.

AI in the dating industry – what is it based on?

What many virtual daters are perhaps not so aware of are the more subtle ways their desire can be accommodated when they join a website. The moment you register to become a member of a dating platform, behind the scenes, the software will kick into action, analyzing your responses. In less than a blink of an eye, these programs can compare your dating ‘wishlist’ with all the other members, instantly producing a shortlist of those individuals who would appear to be the most compatible – your ideal matches. A common attribute that will be flagged up by his form of AI is your location. Once you’ve joined a site and progress to the search field, the algorithm will already have accumulated a bunch of users who happen to live closest to you. It’s only natural that you’re going to be drawn to singles living in your neighborhood.

Relevant matches for mature adults

One example of how at matching site users is the way your dating aspirations can be evaluated, allowing your pool of potential partners to be narrowed down from literally millions to a select few. The advent of swiping left or right with some dating platforms has been one way this has been achieved. AI can look into so much more than the type of person you are inclined to swipe right to profess your attraction. These algorithms can go way beyond whether you appear to prefer brunettes or redheads over blondes, or curvier women over slender ones. It will be able to detect much more subtle aspects of your tastes. Albeit subconsciously, if you seem to react positively to images containing another site user playing guitar, or enjoy watersports, then your potential partners can be fine-tuned accordingly.

AI to create a safe environment for dating site members

If there’s one aspect of online dating that can still dissuade newcomers, it’s the way you can never really be completely guaranteed that the person you are connecting with is as genuine as they profess to be. Fake profiles are still very much in the minority compared to accounts set up by singles who are eager to commit to a relationship. But the problem with these unscrupulous individuals is that the isolated nature of their activities tends to place them under the spotlight. Popular TV shows like Catfish may be highlighting Internet users who 99% of site users are never likely to come across, but revealing these anomalies makes for good entertainment.

AI is increasingly coming into its own as a way of in so many different walks of life. But it is of particular interest to site administrators who have been used to the somewhat longwinded process of email verification. That same tech that allows you to unlock your smart device with your thumbprint, gain entry to a secure area of your place of employment by standing close to a screen that will scan your facial features, or access your online bank account by recognition of your voice commands, can be utilized to create a unique profile when it comes to your dating account.

Other aspects that can hamper a positive experience for site members, such a coming across inappropriate content, or , can also be rooted out by AI. Where the latter is concerned, identification of spam can easily lead to these programs sifting the unwelcome text from the website. A similar set of criteria can be applied to certain images deemed as being contrary to what is acceptable. Site users responsible for deluging their fellow members with unwelcome spam can easily be identified, and then appropriate action is taken, such as simply closing down their accounts, and ensuring their IP addresses are flagged up in case they try to circumvent these levels of site security.

AI matchmaking according to users passions

AI is capable of providing top-level matching based on various criteria, but it can go so much deeper than that. Just as it can recognize the factors drawing singles towards particular individuals based on factors like appearance, ethnic or cultural background, or hobbies, or even horoscope matching if you have specified this is important to you. It will dig further into personal details, to produce all-embracing profiles. AI will paint detailed pictures of your preferred bands or singers and favorite movies. These algorithms can also assess how you behave when you’re interacting with other site users, and then bring these disciplines together. Using AI, a dating site can become a proactive platform, sending out automatic suggestions for date venues based on mutual interests.

The even more exciting aspect of what might lie around the corner. AI is now the main driver across a raft of technologies, including robotics, and the Internet of Things (the physical objects embedded with software to share data.)

Where dating profiles are concerned, expect to be matched on numerous levels, based on the behavioral matching highlighted earlier, but also even more fundamental levels of how compatible you might be to another site user – right down to your DNA.