Everything You Need to Know About Fireproof Safes and Cabinets

Using safes to store valuables is always a good idea. By installing them in a house or other premises, you can provide reliable protection against many types of external influences. They include not only brute force (break-in, robbery, theft) but also various phenomena.

For example, it can be a fire or high temperature combined with high humidity. and safes will help protect valuables in such cases. Constructions are a special variety, which is additionally equipped with a layer of fire-resistant material.

What Are the Differences Between Fireproof Safes?

Designs are now widely available for sale. For example, such structures are manufactured by , a well-known Canadian manufacturer. These models, as well as products of other companies, have one unique feature. It consists of the use of a special fire-resistant layer inside the structures. It can be plaster material, composite, and even special fabric material.

Each of them is used to protect the contents of the safe from overheating in case of exposure to high temperatures. The level of resistance can be different. It all depends on the design itself and the amount and type of material added to the walls.

What Is a Fire Resistance Rating and What Can It Be?

One of the main characteristics of fireproof safes is the level of resistance to fire and elevated temperatures. Underwriters Laboratories is engaged in checking and determining these indicators. This is a leading organization that conducts independent tests of various indicators of safes, including fire resistance. If designs have been tested by this lab, then they receive the UL mark.

Next to it, you can also see time stamps and class. Each of these marks also has its explanation. The first means the period during which a normal temperature will be maintained inside the safe during a fire and the creation of ignition sources. It can be from 30 to 120 minutes. That is, by choosing a safe with a mark of 30, you get protection of valuables from fire for half an hour.

Another important characteristic is class. A common standard is designs that have this number at 350. This corresponds to the temperature in Fahrenheit that the safe will maintain in the case of a fire. For example, if there is a fire outside and the temperature rises to 1700 degrees Fahrenheit, then inside, it will not rise above the indicated value.

What Can Be Stored in Fireproof Safes?

Due to the increased protection, the design will be a great solution for storing many valuable things. Including:

  • Weapon
  • Precious metals
  • Jewelry, ornaments and accessories
  • Documents

This is not an exhaustive list of items. Fireproof safes can be used to store other valuables that need protection. For example, it can be important letters or family heirlooms.

How to Choose a Fireproof Safe?

To choose the best solution, you should pay attention to several criteria. First, you need to decide in which room the structure will be located. For residential buildings, compact varieties with several sections can usually be chosen, while larger options may be required for commercial premises and institutions.

It is also important to determine the fire resistance rating. The higher it is, the longer the valuables will be protected. Additional criteria include size, design, cost, and type of items. The last of them is especially important since there are separate models for documents on sale, as well as varieties for protecting documents and digital media.

Final Еhought

Fire resistance is one of those characteristics of the safe, which will significantly strengthen the protection of valuables. This allows you to preserve the contents not only in case of fires but also in a situation where high temperatures are combined with humidity. In any case, spending more money on an advanced fireproof safe is a small thing compared to the damage that fire can do to valuables.