Youtube Autoplay : How to Turn off Autoplay in YouTube

Hey guys, today am going to discuss how to turn off Youtube Autoplay. The technique which we will share here is very easy and most importantly is used by all. The switching of autoplay on-off system will really help others to enjoy Youtube more precisely and smoothly.

Youtube is regarded as the best video surfing place where people from different parts of the world come and contribute their works or they enjoy other’s contribution on this platform. This platform has given birth to many talents and helps them in their career. With the advancement in the technology world like the involvement of the smartphones game rise to more viewership in the world of Youtube.

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This is considered to be one of the easiest systems and to use it we do not need any kinds of hacks as the system itself comes loaded with all these amenities loaded into it. Here you will get a complete guide to turn on & off Youtube Autoplay. So let’s check out the steps.

How to Turn off AutoPlay in YouTube

Turn off YouTube Autoplay

Here we shall discuss out some of the steps which will help you turn on and off YouTube autoplay. The steps are really easy and you can really do it in an instant period of time. Now let’s check out the steps.

  • To do that you have to play any video on Youtube.
  • Now to turn off Autoplay in youtube, you have to click on the setting option which will emerge at the below of the video screen.
  • There you will see an option of autoplay where if slid on the left will off the autoplay and if slid on the right side will enable the option.
  • Now you have to simply play a video and check the results.
  • Now after playing the video will understand the difference.
  • Most of the time the option is seen on the left-hand side of the screen.

So these are some of the steps which will help you to turn off autoplay in Youtube. The steps mentioned here are very simple and works smoothly. Though there are numerous other function and steps available on Youtube this is considered to be the best one. As shown above, this step is considered to be the most simple steps and we do not need any kind of third-party apps or and special functions to initiate this step.