2020 and 2021 have brought immense changes, and it seems our lives may never be the same. The Covid 19 pandemic has impacted all of us globally and even brought developed countries to their knees. The disease infected and engulfed the whole world into a pit of doom. To say; we were not ready for this global emergency would be an understatement. Our unpreparedness caused us to lose more than 2.4 million lives while reporting 109 million active cases from all over the world. The hospitals having top-notch technologies, medical facilities could not succumb to the pressure of this pandemic, and the whole system fell apart, leading to global catastrophe. We lost our loved ones to this terrible disease, and it took a toll on us both emotionally and financially

The world is now stable with the situation of Covid under control due to the development of vaccines. Still, we must bear in mind that our continuous interactions with microorganisms can lead to a similar situation like this pandemic. With this thought in mind, the whole world should join hands and prepare medical facilities for any emergency we might face in the future.

One thing that should be considered necessary is the availability of medical treatments for patients as soon as an emergency hits us. Doctors and hospitals play the most important role in any global emergency. They are the frontline warriors who stand between patients and the disease. Hospitals should be well-equipped and the staff well trained to deal with such situations.

Our best shot for being medically prepared is being involved more and more in biotechnology and to control the situation beforehand as much as possible. These are modern solutions to global emergencies. The question that arises is how will biotechnology and healthcare system engineering help us tackle the next global emergency. For that, we have to know about these terms to understand their purpose and benefits.


The field of biotechnology helps us use living cells to create a pharmaceutical, environmental, diagnostics product that helps humanity in many ways. This field has applications in areas like the healthcare department, production of crops, and agriculture, but most importantly, this field allows us to make vaccines against microbes.

The vaccines are made by taking these microbes (virus or bacteria) and weakening them so they can’t reproduce. When a human is exposed to the virus or vaccine as we call it, it helps build immunity against that virus or bacteria. In short, we must focus more on biotechnology as it helps us fight against the disease.


The healthcare engineering system is an important aspect of the world now. It allows the and other industries to connect and develop ways to make medicine and health a safe option for everyone. Healthcare system engineering helps doctors and hospitals develop systems that are cost-friendly and help optimize healthcare.

It ensures that the patient receives high-quality, affordable, and safe treatment. Healthcare engineers use scientific engineering methods to solve relevant health-related problems and improve the quality of life of both patients and health care providers.


The most crucial role in any global emergency is that of the public. An average person who has little or no knowledge of a virus gets affected the most. Therefore, they should ensure that they abide by all the rules and regulations drafted and implemented by their government and WHO (world health organization). The doctors only provide us with a cure; to follow and discipline ourselves according to it is in our own hands. We must remember that our actions will govern the outcomes of any virus or emergency. The lack of research, equipment, and technological advancements was a cause of the failure to contain Covid-19. However, that was not the only flaw in our system. and hesitance to follow new norms were major reasons for the virus to become uncontrollable.


With the panic that persisted worldwide, we can conclude that neither healthcare centers nor the public were ready to deal with this pandemic. Its impact brought us to our knees both economically and emotionally. Most of us lost our loved ones and faced mental and financial traumas. It taught us to be well prepared in the future and hold the bull by its horn.

We should invest more in making hospitals equipped with modern technologies and have space to accommodate more patients. Additionally, we must create more systematic ways to deal with patients in less time with more outcomes. For this, biotechnology and healthcare engineering systems go hand in hand. These fields will help us develop ways to provide the best medical facilities that are safe and cost-friendly. Lastly, we should encourage our young generations to pursue careers in these modern fields to acquire sufficient skills and knowledge that may prevent such situations in the future.