5 Best Email Protection Tools 2022

After the past two years in lockdown, with so many people working from home, cyberattacks increased to staggering figures. Emails became hackers’ main point of access to networks, data, and sensitive information. Email protection tools are no longer a luxury. They are a necessity. That’s why all companies need email protection software these days.

As you research how to protect an email domain, you notice a vast catalog of tools that you can use to protect your company. Corporate email protection is not guaranteed with a single tool for most organizations. You need to employ multiple programs to protect your network from hackers and malware. It may be costly, but it’s a sound investment.

Being able to detect threats requires more than a single antivirus. Solid email protection tools include spam blocking systems. You also need software to detect threat vectors launched from multiple angles. Good tools are constantly updated since cyber actors continually improve their malware packages to perform specific tasks and corrupt email infrastructures.

What Do You Need Protection From?

You may be wondering: why do you need email security tools? Why do hackers pursue data so relentlessly? There’s no big secret behind it. Most cyber attackers are motivated by financial gains. They use every social engineering tactic in the book to make their victim fall for their scams. Everything they get out of their targets is good enough: login information, bank details, etc.

According to the , in 2021, there were 1290 major data leaks reported. The number represents an increase of 17% when compared to 2020 figures. Businesses falling for these attacks . The worst part of it? Most of these problems happen due to human error. That’s why you need business email protection for your company. These are some of the most common threats you face on a daily basis:


Phishing is by no means new, but it remains . Phishing is the single most significant threat online, especially to email infrastructures. It has many forms: wide-net phishing targeting multiple people with the same email, and spear phishing, which are attacks designed for specific targets. It all has the same goal: to compromise a victim and make them give up sensitive data. All modern email protection tools are designed to fight phish.


A business email compromise is a significant threat for businesses of every size. Hackers with a good hold of this technique are tech-savvy and know their way with words. They can trick employees from any company by posing as high-ranking executives from the same organization. The attackers can take over a data network, or they can transfer funds, and no one notices until it’s too late.


The king of online threats and the bane of existence for many email protection tools. Ransomware is a huge issue when you fall for it. The attacker takes hold of all data in your company and encrypts it. You don’t get to see it again until you pay a hefty sum as a rescue. Ransomware has become so widespread that security companies encourage organizations to create Data Loss Protection strategies with backups to be protected against this attack.

Malicious Attachments

When you search “how to keep my email safe,” you’ll find a lot of advice preventing you from malicious attachments. Cyber actors have found ways to affect emails in transit to deliver infected attachments. Of course, suspicious files don’t exclude malicious links. Modern corporate email protection includes tools to analyze all attachments in your emails to ensure they’re safe.

The good news is there are quite a few products out there to keep your email safe. These email protection tools can be used paired with each other. You need to put some thought into these products; combining some of them may be redundant. We encourage you to take a look and choose the options that work best for your business:


If you’re looking for business email protection, look no further than EasyDMARC. The company offers one of the best ways to protect your email infrastructure and domain. By implementing DMARC protocols, you become a verified sender. All your emails are certified by SPF and DKIM records, helping you improve your reputation and trustworthiness with clients, partners, and employees. You likely don’t know if you have DMARC in place. Don’t worry; you can get started with this and see if your domain needs protection.


Avanan offers an integrated set of email protection tools to analyze all messages, whether incoming or outgoing. One of Avanan’s utilities allows users to inspect an email’s backstory and detect fraudulent use. The software includes an antivirus, phishing detector, and data loss tracker. Most of the tools included in the software work inbound with products such as Google Docs, Gmail, Slack, etc. The only downside you may face is the complex interface of the system that takes some time to get used to.


Cisco is a great way to secure your email. The tool works as a security gateway offering strong defenses against phishing attacks. Once you set up the software, Cisco can block all links deemed unsafe in all inboxes of your email infrastructure. The tool has a report and logging feature offering great insight into your email flow. There’s also a very active spam filter that only grants access to verified senders. It has other excellent email protection tools, such as encryption. The only gripe with Cisco is that it may filter legitimate emails at times.


Proofpoint is a company focused on offering encryption solutions for small and mid-sized companies. Their corporate email protection tools are designed to encrypt and archive all incoming and outgoing messages from your email infrastructure. They collect and analyze nearly 100 billion data points to keep tight, secure encryption for all your sensitive data. They pride themselves in offering excellent visibility to all email threats since they don’t rely on third parties to analyze threat intelligence.


Iron scales is a company offering email protection tools based on email security best practices. Their primary focus is their robust cloud-based anti-phishing tools. They use AI-driven security protocols combined with human analysis to identify malicious emails. Iron scales integrated solutions include specialized awareness training for all users in your network, letting them know the latest types of scams used online. This software works perfectly fine with Office 365 and G-Suite; it even goes one step beyond by upscaling the detection protocols of these email infrastructures.

Closing Thoughts

Getting email protection is not difficult in current times. Heck, you’ve never had such a range of options as the ones we listed in this brief study, with more out there if you do some research. You can see some products with multiple email protection tools, while others go for specialized approaches. This is not by accident. Companies focusing on fewer approaches to security do a pretty good job at handling their specialized offerings.

Corporate email protection doesn’t come in a single size. Some companies offer too many tools, which may not be necessary for a small company. Utilities suitable for a company may be unnecessary for another. It’s up to you to study what’s required based on your business and choose wisely. A verified domain beats all software since your email is being verified with a public listing published in your DNS. EasyDMARC can accomplish this pretty easily, so that’s our top pick.

Good luck, and keep your emails safe!