6 Tested And Proven Strategies to Boost App Downloads

Mobile phones have come a long way since the days of T9 and Snake. Although you can still find a few of the ‘odd’ people using the relics, they are few and far between. Over the last decade, smartphones have taken full control of the cellular market, and these handheld supercomputers are here to stay. Now, instead of sending a simple text, our mobiles can buy goods, book rides, video chat, and even kill zombies.

These awesome features are thanks to smartphone applications, also commonly referred to as apps. If you’re a developer and you’ve launched an app on Apple’s App Store and Google’s Play Store, the next target move is for you to boost app downloads. You’ve tons of expectations from your app and want it to be used on a mass scale by your target audience.

It can be frustrating when you’ve put in your time, effort, and money into building an efficient and unique app, but it doesn’t get the attention it deserves on the app marketplaces.

Remember that building an excellent app is the stepping stone and doesn’t guarantee success unless you’re strategically following the marketing and optimization techniques. So, if your app is launched, but the download numbers look disappointing – don’t worry! We will be discussing six time-tested and proven strategies here to create a roadmap ahead and boost app downloads.

1. App Store Optimization

You would be surprised to know that most people come to know about an app while searching for other apps.

It is where ASO or App Store Optimization comes into the picture. The process of ASO is a collection of techniques that help optimize an app to rank better in the App Store to boost app downloads and visibility.

For example, if you’ve built a photo editing app, people should be able to find it through non-brand keywords, too, like editing, editing pics, photo-editing, image editing tool, etc.

ASO works in conjunction with other marketing activities to create brand awareness, improve brand visibility, gain audiences’ trust, and become an authority in the market, translating into higher app downloads.

2. UI & UX

Needless to say that consumers will always have choices in the market other than your app.

It is important to gain a competitive advantage over your competitors, and only robust marketing efforts won’t take you far. With a solid marketing strategy, your app must also have a smart user interface and offer a .

Take your time to build an app that’s better than your competitors, is appealing, friendly, and bug-free. If you can manage to do this, there’s no reason why ASO and marketing activities won’t help you boost app downloads.

3. Ratings & Reviews

Positive reviews influence the choice of individuals and help them make an informed decision as to whether they should download the concerned app or not.

This is self-explanatory, and apps with more positive reviews and ratings are downloaded more. It also walks the users through the pros and cons of an app, helping them decide if it is the app they need or if the app has the features/functionalities they’re looking for.

4. Influencer Marketing

One of the fastest ways to boost app downloads in today’s date is through influencer marketing.

It is a branch of marketing that has been growing and trending in the marketing sphere and helps businesses, irrespective of their scale, reach out to their target audience. People today find it easier to trust individuals they follow and view every day on various social media networks like Tik Tok, Facebook, etc., than some high-rolling TV commercial.

The personal connect created by influencers translates into increased brand awareness, improved brand credibility, higher sales, , and powerful organic outreach.

Want a TikTok Marketing Agency to manage your app install campaigns?

House of Marketers is one of the leading brands offering a comprehensive range of influencer marketing services, including TikTok Ad Campaigns, Influencer Strategy, Paid Social Ads Management, Tik Tok Ads Management, etc. With tons of successful campaigns under its belt, HouseOfMarketers.com is known to help brands reach out to their audience relevantly, boost app downloads, and increase market visibility significantly.

Influencer marketing is a relatively new yet innovative and powerful marketing strategy that requires a dedicated network, expertise, skills, and resources. And in many ways, it is quite different from the conventional marketing services offered by do-it-all marketing companies.

It makes HouseOfMarketers.com a perfect source for brands, companies, and individuals looking to reach their audience through influencers and paid ads on Tik Tok or other social media networks.

If your primary focus is brand awareness and boosting app downloads, HouseofMarketers.com offers a one-stop solution to make it happen.

1. Referrals

In the online world, users trust recommendations made by other people they know more than anything. It triggers word-of-mouth marketing, which continues to be one of the most potent forms of marketing even today.

Numerous apps use the referral approach to start a circle of acquisition, helping boost app downloads. Provide your existing users with an incentive to share your app with others.

Reward the users for every referral that converts and see the app download meter soaring high.

2. Social Media

Irrespective of your niche, know that your audience is on social media. It is where the users spend most of their time using their smartphones.

These content-driven social media networks offer companies and small businesses tremendous opportunities to be in front of their target audience. Social media ads play a crucial role if you’ve developed an app and are looking to boost app downloads.

Combine social media marketing with influencer marketing, and you’ve got a success story in the making. However, only experts like HouseOfMarketers.com with years of experience in the business and a proven track record must be trusted to promote your brand on social media.


The success of a mobile application depends on many factors, and a successful marketing campaign is one of them. Following the above-mentioned time-tested strategies are sure to boost app downloads. However, make sure to execute these strategies relevantly according to your business goals.

Whether it is social ads management, influencer marketing, paid ads campaign, Tik Tok marketing strategy, or anything else, enter the realm to capture it.

Doing it half-heartedly or without a strategy can reflect poorly on your brand. And it is where an experienced influencer marketing firm like House Of Marketers can play a pivotal role in turning around the future of your app.