57 Best ESO Addons [Elder Scrolls Online 2019]

With Elder Scrolls Online, Bethesda’s took the first but slow step into the MMO world with their game. And the best part is that it is moddable. Its one of the best features is that it supports hundreds of add-ons made by the community. It is the game on its own where you find ESO UI mods, multiple quest markers, guild and faction storylines, player progression quality of life improvements, inventory mods and combat/HUD mods. All these ESO mods bring you the smoothest ESO experience possible. You will find many ESO addons online but all will not be exceptional. So here I have listed 60+ Best Elder Scrolls Online addons that are for you to enjoy.

Best ESO Addons

So here are the Best Elder Scrolls Online Addons that you must download.

1. Votan’s Minimap

The first thing that every gamer looks for is a minimap. And so the is a great addon that is simple and doesn’t even interfere with the interface or your HUD. With this add-on your traveling and exploration around the TESO’s world easy and enjoyable.

2. Destinations

, as the name suggests will mark your map with various points of interest like Solo Dungeons, Crafting Locations, Group Events, and Group Delves. Also, this add-on supports French, Japanese, German, English or Russian names.

3. QuestMap

Many of us don’t like to leave a quest incomplete, and if you are one of them then this add-on will help you conquer every quest easily. The ESO addon makes all the quests on The Elder Scrolls game map manageable by marking the available ones on it.

4. Votan’s Improved Locations

Another ESO addon by Votan is . It is an essential add-on that reforms the Locations tab, making the move on the World apps easier. The locations will be categorized according to the alliances, headed by your group. Also, you can check your top 5 positions at the top.

5. Dungeon Tracker

The Elder Scrolls Online game, is quite huge and so are the number of dungeons that you come across. The game becomes more fun and enjoyable when you experience every dungeon and collect all the loot. The add-on thus helps you track every single dungeon. However, to check the tips to loot it, you will have to discover them.

6. Skyshards

If you are playing the Elder Scrolls game, then you would know the importance of . Skyshards give you 1 skill point in turn for every 3 that you find. And so it is important that you discover as many as you can. It comes as a handy add-on that marks all the Skyshards on the map. So now you can win the 127 skill points straight away.

7. Lost Treasure

Another great Elder Scrolls Online addon is . It highlights all the survey locations and the entire treasure map on your game map. It is also one of the best ESO add-ons that also comes with a minimap so that you do not need to install any other add-on for the same. So you can keep this on your screen and locate the surveys and treasure easily.

8. Lore Books

is just like the other map addons that highlight all the books present in the game. It basically divides them into 3 different categories: Collected Lorebooks, Unknown Lorebooks, and Eidetic Memory. You can check the icons in the game and know the book belongs to which category.

9. HarvestMap

For beginners, one of the best ESO add-ons is . It guides you through the entire quest indicating all the locations where one can find the resources, the fishing spots, resource nodes, and chests. Also with the Heatmap feature, you can know the density of the resources, find the ores, wood clothing material, flowers/herbs, runestones and much more.

10. Votan’s Improved Quests

by Votan is one of the fundamental Elder Scrolls Online game. As the name suggests it improves your quests by sorting them and giving you an edge over the vanilla game. The games are categorized like guild quests, crafting quests, and quests in other zones.

11. Harven’s Trait and Style

The addon is a simple and small addon that aims to improve the quality of life, adds additional information to the tooltip of weapon/armor like the knowledge about their trait and its style. This add-on is definitely a must-have if you want to know more about the weapon, whether it is a known, researchable or being researched entity.

12. Urich’s Skill Point Finder

Another skill points ESO add-on is . It is a life-saving ESO addon which helps you to earn lots of skill points. All the skill points are displayed which includes the ones that you get and those that you didn’t get all through the entire game. And so you can hunt for the skill points that you didn’t get.

13. Votan’s Achievements Overview

tracking ESO addon is a little bit different from the others in the list. So while other add-ons show you a complete list of all your achievements, this add-on saves you from going through hundreds of achievements. It highlights the progress of achievements of the moment. So you get something different from the bland representation of your progress or lack of it.

14. Votan’s Rune Tooltip

The by Votan is a basic addon that is all about the runes. You can get all the information about your collected runes, and the type/level of the ensuing glyph. It also tells the role of the runes before you reach the enchanting table.

15. Harven’s Improved Skills Window

is another add-on by Harven. This is an essential quality of life addon that works to make your life much better. It allows you to preview the next rank and consequently upgrade morph information and information regarding active abilities, purchase abilities. It also makes the planning of build for the next step easy.

16. FCM Quest Tracker

While the Dungeons Tracker is specific to track dungeons, the is another adjustable tracker add-on for ESO. Here you can select how many to show, remove and share quests, filter the quests by zone, and show it on the map. It doesn’t even obstruct your play as it resides at the right side of the screen.

17. Bag Space Indicator

As a gamer one always looks for add-ons that indicate the amount of space left. One of the popular and configurable add-ons from this point of view is . With this, you can choose to see Gold, Alliance points, bag space, horse feed timer, soul gems, timers, research, levels, and experience. Also while functioning your view is also not obstructed by the same.

18. True Exploration

is the best ESO addon if you want to dominate the world of Tamriel. With this add-on, you start the game with an empty piece of paper, and as you start the journey your character starts drawing everything. So travel the world and immerse deeply with this amazing add-on.

19. WPamA- What Pledges at my Alts

This is for all those gamers who have more than one character running and completing the daily/weekly tasks. It keeps a track of your alternative characters for World Bosses in Vvardenfell, Wrothgar and Gold Coast, statuses of trials, class, guild, random dungeons, and craft skills.

20. pChat

, as the name says, is a chat addon for ESO which gives with the chat window a lot more options. You can keep the chat history, copy texts, replace account names with names of characters, prevent spam, and even resize the chatbox. Instead of the grey texts, your chatbox will become much more colorful.

21. MultiCraft

The next ESO addon is the simplest add-on on our list. add a spinner to the crafting professions that allows you to craft a certain number of times with just one click. This is different from the native game where you have to click once every time you craft something.

22. Srendarr- Aura, Buff and Debuff Tracker

is another essential combat addon that lets you track buffs and debuffs both on yourself as well as on others. Normally, these are shown graphically or are not represented at all. However, with Srendarr you can group all your buffs and move them. Also, it allows you to track down all the ability durations and cooldowns during the combat.

23. Awesome Guild Store

The Guild store interface of the vanilla native game is not that user-friendly and comes with very few options. The addon is a great interface addon that lets you filter through the categories and subcategories. This feature is similar to the Advanced Filters and also adds range sliders for price, level, and quality filters.

24. Azurah- Interface Enhanced

Amongst the various UI add-ons available for ESO, and many of us have more than two or three of these installed on our device. One of the well-known interface add-ons is , which lets you unlock the windows interface so you can move it to a position of your choice, anywhere. You can scale it to size according to your choice. Azurah lets you have a personalized experience with very less chaos.

25. Binder

Rest of key bindings is frustrating, usually when you are playing with multiple characters. This normally happens whenever you start a new character and so this is when the ESO add-on comes into play. Binding allows you to save the keybindings as a set and replaces it automatically with a single command.

26. AlphaGear 2

One issue that comes up with the Elder Scrolls Online is its loss of ability for player’s convenience to store and swap builds. This is because ESO does not offer it by default. However, comes to its rescue. It helps you by making things better for end-gamers. This Alpha Gear add-on allows you to store and save builds by using skills and weapons in slots 1-16. You can also swap between them freely in case you are out of combat. This proves to be a great use for the dungeon, trial and PvP players, allowing them to utilize different armor and weapon while setting bonuses on speed dial.

27. PvpMeter

is all about fun and if you really want to enjoy playing Elder Scrolls Online then PvP’ing is the thing. This vital PvP addon provides you with every data concerned with your PvP experience. The data includes stats such as matches, wins, losses and has different modules for different PvP sections like Duel and Battlegrounds.

28. Foundry Tactical Combat

FTC or , comes as a prodigious UI enhancement for ESO. It offers players the relevant combat data through customizing the unit frames. It also allows for buff tracking, including much more. With this addon, you can create a traditional MMORPG look and feel towards ESO. You can alter the attribute bars for showing numbers, and place buff, Combat Log, Scrolling Combat Text, Damage Statistics, and Advanced Hotbar and debuff trackers on the UI. It allows you to resize them and recolor all things that will suit your needs. For min-maxers, FTC also features DPS trackers which are must to have for most ESO players.

29. Combat Metrics

Next in the list of best ESO addons is which is surely one of the best combat addons. This one is for the people who want to know everything about their fighting data. With this addon, you can see your total DPS and the skills that contribute to it. You can even detect the sources of the damage taken by you and check your buffs and debuffs. And lastly, this one is the must-have add-ons for every serious ESO player.

30. Item Preview

The feature of reviewing certain items does not come up with the vanilla game and therefore has come to solve this problem. This one is handy and useful ESO addon with which you can preview armor, furniture, and furniture recipes. This helps you in making better decisions while purchasing stuff.

31. Advanced Filters

Elder Scrolls Online has Inventory management that sometimes now become a pain since the original filters have become broad to give any kind of specificity. Therefore becomes an absolute essential inventory addon for ESO. This one fixes it by introducing the new and more detailed sub-filters.

32. Dressing Room Reborn

is another great ESO addon. This one allows you to save action bars and equipped gear as sets, so that when needed you can switch between your PvP and PvE builds using single hotkey with ease. It is not for the beginners since you will not have enough items for 2 builds, therefore, is fundamental ESO addon for the experienced players.

33. Inventory Grid View

A list-style inventory since does not supports hundreds of items, therefore, does not seems to work for ESO. hence has become an essential inventory addon. It reforms the inventory to a grid view so that you can see many more items at once.

34. Furniture Catalogue

You will find hundreds of different furniture when it comes to Elder Scrolls Online. If you are the one obsessed with style then choosing the best for your house can be frustrating. Therefore, offers you with the full list of every furniture available in the game. Also, you can sort them with different filters you find there.

35. Item Saver

If you are a regular player of ESO then you know that you can deconstruct items in the game. In case you do not prefer to be a collector, you can keep your set and then deconstruct everything else. But if you choose to be a collector and wish to keep certain items along with the hundreds of unnecessary stuff, is the one for you. It will allow you to create separate sets with those saved items and even lets you mark them so that you do not have to deconstruct them unintentionally.

36. Itemization Browser

You get hundreds of different item sets in ESO that requires you to plan ahead for what you will be using is quite impossible. hence lets you browse through and then filter every single item set in the game. You can watch its level and attributes.

37. Wykkyds Framework

is one of those best ESO UI mods that you will want to install even before playing. This addon supports countless package of handy tools that varies from an inventory space tracker, XP to next level indicator, UI customization, and much more. It has thus become a must-have mod for anybody who is looking to mod their game making it customizable.

38. Jumper

is although a simple mod but may seem to be a little unfair to some. It features a key binding which when pressed, will teleport the player to the nearest Wayshrine. And the best part is it is for free. In short, you can call it as a handy little modification if you want to keep on exploring.

39. Ingredients

, as a name suggests, is handy and highlights the items in a vendor’s inventory. It is a part of a known recipe. It is a popular ESO mod that is famous for crafting saving time spent on looking back and forth from your recipes to the vendor’s inventory.

40. XPview

ESO addon represents a small window that will calculate your XP-per-hour. It comes handy when you have to track how long it will take for you to level up and how long until you hit the next level. Therefore it is a pleasant little modification for those who need more data above everything else.

41. Multi-Quest Tracker

By default, vanilla ESO will only let you track a single quest at one time. But with a little modification in default, addon provides much more. It will allow you to track multiple quests at one time. It is even more useful when you are mopping up handfuls of minor quests.

42. Stop Right There

As the name of the ESO addons suggests it guides you exactly where to stop. (criminal scum)” tells you to stop so that the guards will not have to tell you instead. It is a very handy mod that protects you from getting in trouble with the law whilst and also lets you focus on picking the lock.

43. Potion Maker

is an extremely valuable mod for crafting potions. This one is an all-in-one modification that will allow you to craft portions of all varieties. It also lets you track the ingredients you need. You will find a variety of similar mods for other professions as well.

44. Dustman

is a humble and meek mod that will organize and will help you in getting rid of any junk in your inventory. It is known to destroy anything that is not worthy, and thus will automatically sell anything without any value. It is excellent stuff to use and is quite an essential mod if you are the player who loots everything they kill.

45. Reshade 3.0

A nice ESO graphic is a renovation mod that intentions to add the depth to shadows and dark areas. It removes the strong blue tint that vanilla ESO features. It is simple to install, and fairly pretty if it is rightly set up. This one is the only graphical mod that will make The Elder Scrolls Online look sharper and more vibrant.

46. Bandits User Interface

Bandit User Interface is more than just a functional ESO mod. It includes functional modules like group and raid frames, combat statistics and notifications, buff and minimap. But its highlight is that it supports 3 different styles of UI, which look much better appealingly compared to a native game.

47. Wykkyd’s Full Immersion

If you want to really immerse yourself in the world of Elder Scrolls Online and also like to take a screenshot without maddening UI elements, Wykkyd Full Immersion is one for you. It lets you switch off even the default interface windows like Compass, Quest Tracker and Targeting Reticle.

48. SALTI – Currency Totals

SALTI UI addon lets you enhance the tooltip while hovering over your currency totals. With its help, you can see all your tracked characters’ current Gold, Telvar, AP, your total banked currency, etc. Whatever you need to know about your belongings is available right here.

49. Circonians Addon Selector

Circonians Addon Selector will help you choose certain add-ons and will let you save the bundle so that you can test stuff. This makes it easy for you to change back to your original setup.

50. Votan’s Fisherman

Fishing in ESO sounds little weird but is quite peaceful. It can be sometimes boring too but with Votan’s Fisherman, this is not the case. You watch Netflix while waiting for this mod because it gives you a huge flash of light on your screen whenever there is fish on the hook. It also saves the water type of the fishing nods on which you have previously fished on so that you can use proper bait for it next time.

Few more Elder Scrolls Online Mods

  1. Votan’s Minimap
  2. Destinations
  3. QuestMap
  4. Votan’s Improved Locations
  5. Dungeon Tracker
  6. Skyshards
  7. Lost Treasure
  8. Lore Books
  9. HarvestMap
  10. Votan’s Improved Quests
  11. Harven’s Trait and Style
  12. Urich’s Skill Point Finder
  13. Votan’s Achievements Overview
  14. Votan’s Rune Tooltip
  15. Harven’s Improved Skills Window
  16. FCM Quest Tracker
  17. Bag Space Indicator
  18. True Exploration
  19. WPamA- What Pledges at my Alts
  20. pChat
  21. MultiCraft
  22. Srendarr- Aura, Buff and Debuff Tracker
  23. Awesome Guild Store
  24. Azurah- Interface Enhanced
  25. Binder
  26. AlphaGear 2
  27. PvpMeter
  28. Foundry Tactical Combat
  29. Combat Metrics
  30. Item Preview
  31. Advanced Filters
  32. Dressing Room Reborn
  33. Inventory Grid View
  34. Furniture Catalogue
  35. Item Saver
  36. Itemization Browser
  37. Wykkyds Framework
  38. Jumper
  39. Ingredients
  40. XPview
  41. Multi-Quest Tracker
  42. Stop Right There
  43. Potion Maker
  44. Dustman
  45. Reshade 3.0
  46. Bandits User Interface
  47. Wykkyd’s Full Immersion
  48. SALTI – Currency Totals
  49. Circonians Addon Selector
  50. Votan’s Fisherman
  51. insMobs2Level
  52. Raid Notifier
  53. No, Thank You!
  54. LUI: Extended
  55. Loot Log
  56. Kill Counter
  57. Craftstore DB


So this was all about ESO addons and the article contains the list of 57 best Elder Scrolls Online addons. The add-ons listed are for both the beginners and advanced players. The game although started slow but with the support from the community it has raised some awesome add-ons for the game making it worth a try.