How to write an autobiography for university or job

For many years you live with yourself, with your personality, body, psyche. You see your dreams. You know your stories. You can tell a lot about yourself if you just let the story be born. Are you a person of inspiration or plan? If you’re rational, come up with a concept and plan.

If you are irrational, then look for inspiration, carry the idea as a child. Reread your favorite autobiographies, such as Jung’s Memories, Dreams, Reflections, and write down the ideas that come to you. Also, for a start, you can order an autobiographical essay on to see how the specialist will cope with your task. Then you can start writing the work yourself.

Decide what you are writing it for, what kind of autobiography it is

A person’s biography is a chronicle of merit and achievements, close to a resume, only more detailed, and may include some aspects of the worldview. This is a bio for colleagues or future clients. Such an abbreviated biography may be published by you.

A development biography will be helpful for your analyst and significantly if you change your analyst. It is written from birth, may include a short background to the family, details of childhood and adolescence, and all emotionally charged events. Also, this view will be helpful for you at a university or college so that your teacher understands who you are and what achievements you have.

You can write about yourself as a project if you consider yourself a project and build an individuation strategy. You can also paint the evolution of your views. Finally, you can tell the story of your heart and its drives.

Conceptual biography is based on a specific image about yourself. You can highlight some of your lines, which you consider the most important. You can choose a key myth of your life and write about this side of it. You can write a biography of dreams if you remember or have recorded dreams.

It is quite interesting to consider an autobiography from a typological point of view. You can afford to write a biography in freestyle and then type yourself on it. Or you can focus on one or two aspects. For example, there are more people in the history of the extrovert, whereas, in the autobiography of the introvert, they may not even be mentioned.

Sensory biography is filled with details, vivid pictures, tastes, and smells. It recreates the pictures of the past, here, and now. “Sunlight from the window penetrates the air with dancing dust particles, a pattern of light on the floor, a warm touch, large furniture, and a large world.”

An intuitive story can be permeated with complex connections, internal or external, subtle and elusive, but focused attention.

An autobiography of a feeling type is always deeply emotional and talks about relationships in a person’s life. “Nobody played with this girl in kindergarten. She stood alone, silently moving toys. I went up to her and offered to be friends. From that day, we played together in a group, and on a walk, I protected her from harmful cheats.”

The history of the logic can be well structured and even contain helpful information beyond just a biography. You can write about yourself in some style. For example, in the style of blues and complaint, or the triumph of optimism, describe psychopathology or phenomenology. Some write deliberately, or detached-objectively, or floridly and poetically.

Each person is multifaceted and deep. Do not try to fit all of yourself into a tiny autobiography – this is impossible. Instead, listen to yourself and think about what wants to be revealed in you.

Basic rules for writing an autobiography for employment or university

Here are the main points to look out for when :

  • Your autobiography shouldn’t be too long. Try to be concise. The maximum amount of writing should not be more than 1-2 sheets of text. As practice shows, long essays will not help you open up in the eyes of the reader. They are more likely to have the opposite effect.
  • What is written should not contain errors. The general form of presentation is business style. When reviewing your autobiography, the reader will pay attention to what is written and how it is done. For this reason, speaking well will help you gain additional points.
  • All events described by you should be presented in chronological order, logically and sequentially. You cannot move immediately from the story about the school-to-work experience, skipping other educational institutions, or first talk about the place of work and then mention the education received.
  • The information about you stated in your autobiography must be genuine. The inclusion of erroneous or inaccurate information can interfere with getting the desired job (or achieve another goal) and create a poor business reputation.

Autobiography for work

We have already discussed the general form of the autobiography above. , although there are some differences:

  • an autobiography to apply for a job should reflect the qualities that an employer needs as much as possible. This is what should be emphasized. This will not only save the employer’s time for studying the document but will also advertise you as an applicant;
  • feel free to describe the projects you have been involved with successfully. Your experience is always valuable. In addition, such examples demonstrate the flexibility of thinking, the ability to make decisions and take responsibility for them, the applicant’s ability to work in a team;
  • pay enough attention to reflecting the education received, but do not focus the employer’s primary attention on this (unless, of course, you are a young specialist with no work experience, who has nothing to tell about professional success so far). List all the places of your training and qualifications obtained, but do not dwell on the specifics of the training, written works, and so on. The employer is unlikely to be interested in this, and if it does, he will ask about it at the interview;
  • immediately reflect your wishes for future work. For example, if you prefer to work independently, then it is better to say about it right away, without wasting time or breaking yourself, building relationships in a team. Remember that not only are you interested in the job, but the employer is interested in you as well;
  • evaluate your business qualities, indicating strengths. If you are sociable, creative, responsible, executive, etc., why not focus the employer’s attention on such characteristics?

Today it is considered very fashionable and correct to support your autobiography with a photograph. There are no requirements for photography, but you will have to maintain a business style, of course. That is, in the photo, you must be in business attire, with a neat hairstyle, and the background must be neutral.

If we talk about a resume, you can refer to the characteristics from the last workplace and the recommendations given to you if this is practiced and welcomed in your professional field. For example, the recommendations will be helpful for teachers, specialists with a narrow specialization, almost all humanities.