Buying Instagram Followers in the UK: The Good, The Bad, and The Meh

Sure, buying Instagram followers from the UK sounds like a great idea if you have a business in the United Kingdom… But does it even actually do anything?

The short answer is yes. When you buy Instagram followers in the UK from a reputable website like any of those listed at the link previously mentioned, you give a huge boost to your account. It can also completely destroy it and any existing followers you have. So that’s great. Understanding the fine balance between throwing money at a problem and the elbow grease that’s still required is a hard one. Where, on one hand, you can buy your Instagram followers, and boost your presence. On the other hand, you’re still going to need some decent posts and photos to keep the ones you have and gain new ones.

Despite the fact that your personal content will need to have worth reading, sharing, or following up on, there are also a number of ways that buying followers can be less helpful than hoped. We will cover the downsides of purchasing followers on Instagram in this article as well.

The Upsides to Buying Instagram Followers in the UK

When you buy Instagram followers in the UK, you get instant social proof. Social proof is essentially the psychological concept behind authority, specifically in the social media realm. Oftentimes, because you won’t necessarily be outright selling a product or service via Instagram, there’s no real way for people to know that you’re a credible source for whatever it is you’re posting about. So instead of amazon reviews, marketing 101 teaches us about social proof: where the more followers you have, the more relevant you must be.

There is also the bandwagon effect or “the lemming phenomenon”. This is the well and often proven theory that if lots of people are doing something, then lots of other people will want to do that something too! Apologies if this brings up any childhood trauma regarding discussions about friends and cliffs.

Let’s look at this example: When you walk down a street on the weekend looking for a new restaurant to try, are you more attracted by the restaurants that are already full and have a line of people waiting outside? Or do you feel more comfortable trying a new restaurant that is completely empty, and has no customers at all? The answer is obvious! This is why social proof is so important for businesses, both online and offline.

The Downsides to Buying Instagram Followers from the UK

Much like age, buying followers is just a number. So while they definitely can serve to make your account appear useful or interesting, the Instagram followers you buy won’t actually do much. Most places that sell followers don’t sell real Instagram followers. So you won’t be able to rely on these newfound friends to like, comment, or share any of your Instagram gold. For that, you’ll need the real thing.

Perhaps the worst-case scenario when it comes to buying Instagram followers in the United Kingdom and the instant regret that can ensue is getting scammed. Always (and I can’t stress this enough), always buy followers from reputable sources. Not necessarily because the quality of the followers will be any better, but these sites are actually much more likely to deliver. There’s not really a “Instagram Follower PD”, so if you do get scammed, there are usually few avenues available to you that will help you get your money back.

But since most of the websites selling followers only charge you a few dollars, it’s a pretty small risk to take and if the purchased followers get deleted after a few months, everybody can afford another $5 to refill their followers or boost their numbers bit more. In the end, it would mean investing probably around $30 per year to boost your brand reputation and social proof, which is priceless. Essentially, just selling 1 product more per year would cover the cost of your Instagram marketing so why not try it for yourself.

Please be aware that there is no way for the sellers to delete the followers after you buy them. If you don’t like the result, you will have to manually block each follower one by one. This is why I suggest that you buy a small package of 100 followers just to test the services before committing to a larger number of followers like 10 000… It could save you a lot of time in the long run!

When Buying Instagram Followers from the United Kingdom Really Doesn’t Matter

So, despite the rumors, buying Instagram followers in the United Kingdom won’t get your account deleted or banned… These are not actually true. Even if you do get called out for purchasing your followers, Instagram doesn’t really seem to have any hard, fast rules against it. Yeah, you could potentially alienate any organic followers you have, and possibly dent your street cred, but past that nothing really happens.

Another very “meh” aspect to purchasing Instagram followers in the UK is that bought and paid for devotees don’t actually affect your Klout score. Which is one of the metrics of influence that the platform uses. Essentially, your Klout score tabulates things like interactions, likes, and trends, nearly disregarding entirely your actual number of followers. So if you’re looking to boost that bad boy, you might need to consider an Instagram post ghostwriter or content provider. Or, just get more interesting on your own.

Ultimately, when it comes to purchasing Instagram followers in the UK, if you get them from a decently respected site like one from this , and still upload good content, they can do you a lot of good. For a very little price.


Despite the controversy behind this dark marketing tactic, the facts are that millions of people are buying followers on Instagram not only in the UK, but also around the world, because no one wants to follow a brand or business that only has a handful of followers.

I know that countless articles have been written about the pros and cons of purchasing followers since 2012, but this subject is still trendy, especially since Instagram keeps on growing and growing and becoming more and more popular as a social media platform around the world, with billions adults and teenagers using it daily.