5 Podcast format ideas you should try

Podcasts come in different types of formats. If you are just beginning, it might be confusing to choose the ideal podcast format for you. We have gathered five podcast format ideas  that should help you. Enjoy!

The interview format

In this format, the host invites a guest for an interview. The host asks questions on a particular topic and the guest answers them based on his expertise and experience. Interview podcasts have become very popular in recent times due to practice by famous podcasters. Joe Rogan is one of them who is consistently producing this format of podcasts. Interview podcasts are easier to make, but they are quite engaging. You just have to begin and ask a few questions. The guest will mostly carry on the program. This format is good to know about a topic broadly that enhances your personal knowledge. Besides, the guest can assist you in growing the audience.

Conversational format

This is another common format of podcasts that are effortless to produce. The conversational format is largely focused on organic conversation rather than a pre-planned script. Here, two people usually get involved in a straightforward conversation. The major difference between an interview and conversational format is the role of the hosts because both participants play the role of hosts. For instance, one of them can report the news, the other can deliver commentary.

Repurposed format

Content repurposing is a popular strategy for content marketing. This is more effective when applied to podcasts. The repurposed podcast is a converted format of your existing content. If you are a blogger who has written many engaging blog posts, you can simply convert one of them into a podcast. Remember that listeners are a different group of audience than readers. So, your repurposed podcast will always be a new experience for them. Since you don’t have to create it from scratch, it requires almost no budget and considerable time.

Non-fictional story format

These podcast formats are also called documentaries because they are very informative and non-fictional. They are very catchy and keep listeners fully attentive from the beginning to the end. Non-fictional storytelling is a good format for podcasts if you want to make educational episodes. A positive side of the format is the entire episode is tightly scripted. So, you have less chance to talk out of the track. This type of podcast can provide a strong message. Thus, they create high-level engagement and make you memorable to listeners.

Solo format

If you have expertise on a particular topic, a solo format podcast is ideal for you. It only requires you and the mic. Without getting much setup, you just need to hold a microphone and talk about what you want to share with the audience. The solo podcast provides you full independence because you are the only person to talk to. Since no guest is invited, you don’t have to wait for a schedule. The solo format is very powerful for brand building. So, you can utilize it for personal branding too. Besides, it needs no or less editing. You can simply do it with free tools that save money.