100+ Stupid and Funny Questions to Ask Anyone

When we meet someone new or when we are hanging out with friends, we usually ask simple questions to know them well. But bond happens with stupidity. Here we have given some of the most stupid and funny questions to ask people.

Stupid and Funny Questions to ask anyone

Life becomes too serious at times, and we have to be happy and laugh every day to be sane. So these are some of the stupid questions that you can ask your friends to make them laugh. These are a good remedy in this busy, fast running life.

Funny and Stupid Questions

You might get to know people with simple and straight questions, but you really get along when you can be stupid and funny with people. These are some stupid questions that you can ask anyone to be the best buddies forever.

Silly and Stupid Questions to ask Friends

  1. Why So Serious?
  2. What would a Dog say if it could talk?
  3. What happens after you die?
  4. If you can make a hybrid of two different animals, what would they be and why?
  5. Would you rather a dog that meows or a cat that barks?
  6. If you get arrested, what would be the most likely reason be?
  7. What’s the most bizarre advertisement you have seen?
  8. What’s the one rumor you want to spread about yourself?
  9. Would you rather choose Invisibility or Time Travel?
  10. What video game character would you like to be?

Random Nonsense Questions and Conversations

  1. Which one would you give up? Brushing your teeth or wiping your butt?
  2. If you have to give up one of your five senses, what would it be, and why?
  3. Suggest a Funny tagline for a Clothing Brand.
  4. What is the one fictitious yet believable conspiracy theory you would like to start?
  5. If you were to be turned into an object, which objects you choose?
  6. You have to call a person, and that person should not pick the call. Whom do you call?
  7. You are a murderer, and your best friend knows it. How do you convince your other friends to believe you but not him?
  8. If you could bring back one person from history, who would it be and why? (Funny Answers Only)
  9. If you could kill a person from history, who would it be and why?
  10. What’s the worst thing to say at a Funeral?

Funny and Dumb Questions to ask Friends

Here we have listed some of the stupid and dumbest questions you can ask anyone to have fun. These questions give you hypothetical situations and make you laugh.

Funny Questions between Friends

  1. If you travel back in time about 1000 years ago with your present-day attire and gadgets, how would you convince the people you are from the future?
  2. What is the most bizarre thing to see on a person’s Tinder bio?
  3. Would you rather choose a disease that makes you forget everything you do the next day but live a long life or an illness that makes you die in a week?
  4. What would you do if you are stuck in a room with Zombies?
  5. What would you choose? ‘Change the Past’ or ‘Know the Future’?
  6. What’s the darkest hidden secret of you?
  7. What’s the most bizarre thing you have ever done?
  8. What’s your guilty pleasure?
  9. Would you rather choose a Free World trip that you hate the most or spend time with your friends?
  10. Who is that one person you would choose to spend your time on an unknown island for the rest of your life?

Stupid Questions Silly Answers

  1. What do you do when you go to a start hotel? Use the fancy bathroom or Jump on the smooth bed?
  2. What name would you choose for yourself if given a chance?
  3. Would you rather choose Pineapple on your Pizza or Maggi with Ketchup?
  4. What happens when an ambulance with a patient inside meets with an accident? Would they take the new patient also with them?
  5. What’s that one smell that isn’t good, but you still like to smell it?
  6. Tell a ridiculous fact about yourself?
  7. If you were to spend a night with a celebrity, who would it be and why?
  8. What’s the one cartoon you liked the most as a kid, but now you feel it’s the dumbest thing ever existed?
  9. What’s the dumbest thing to say in a court?
  10. Are you a Toilet Paper person or Water Person?

Nonsense and Weird Questions for Fun

The stupid questions given below makes no sense but ultimately make you all laugh. Ask these questions to your friends and people you know and live happily in this exceptionally stressful life.

Confusing and Funny Questions to ask Anyone

  1. If you can use the Instagram of any of your friends and do whatever you want to, whom would you choose and what would you do?
  2. What do you think insults you the most?
  3. What is the stupidest thing you have done in your relatives/friends’ house?
  4. If you could legalize one illegal thing, what would it be? (Funny and Stupid Answer)
  5. What is that one movie, you know, is utter shit, but you still love watching it?
  6. If you were of the opposite gender, would you date yourself?
  7. If you were a scientist, what is the most stupid thing that you will discover or invent?
  8. What would you choose? Free Food for three years or Free travel for three years?
  9. If you can do anything for three years and money is not the issue, what would you like to do?
  10. If you were a product, what would it be called, and what is it’s a tagline?

Random Questions to ask Friends

  1. What was the most bizarre movie you have seen?
  2. If you could become any negative character from books/movies, which character would you choose and why?
  3. Suppose all the crimes were made legal for a day. What is the most likely crime you would commit?
  4. Would you rather choose to be single and happy forever or get into an unsuccessful marriage?
  5. If you were asked to give an explanation about the Bermuda Triangle, what is the most stupid explanation you will give?
  6. Is Schrodinger’s cat Dead or Alive?
  7. If you eat clowns, will you become funny?
  8. Why are the alphabets in the order they are?
  9. If you write a book about yourself, what would be its title? (Nonsense answers only)
  10. If electricity comes from electrons, does Morality come from Morons?

Stupid Questions that makes No Sense

These nonsense questions are stupid yet very funny. Ask these questions to people and receive dumb and funny answers to have fun and enjoyment.

Stupid and Confusing Questions and Conversations

  1. We know Spiderman became so being bitten by a spider. If you were to become a superhero by being bitten by an animal, which animal would you choose?
  2. If you were a superhero, what would be your superpower? No bad breath or fart without sound or smell?
  3. Advertising companies make ads for other companies. Who makes ads for ad companies?
  4. Why do you think Superheroes wear underwear over their pants?
  5. If money doesn’t grow on trees, why do banks have branches?
  6. Why do your feet smell and your nose runs?
  7. If a deaf person goes to court, is it still called a hearing?
  8. What does a fish do when it gets thirsty?
  9. Does a man-eating shark eat women too?
  10.  What would happen if you eat yourself? If you become double the size or disappear completely?

Silly Questions to ask Anyone

  1. If you swallow an ice cube, will you poop it out or piss it out?
  2.  If we are evolved from Apes and Monkeys, why are they still alive?
  3. Is it possible for you to cry underwater?
  4. If birds can fly, why can’t a fly bird?
  5. How does a sponge bob light the fire underwater?
  6. Why is it called shipment when you transport through car and cargo when you transport through the ship?
  7. If a comedian does a show while sitting on a chair, is it still called standup comedy?
  8. Why do the buses stand in a bus stand while a cycle stand helps the cycle to stand?
  9. Why are people called ‘Late’ even if they have died early?
  10. If you were to choose three things to be on a deserted island, what are the three things you would prefer?

Funny and Rhetorical Questions full of Stupidity

The questions given here are rhetorical. There isn’t a right or wrong answer to these questions, but they make you think and laugh at the same time. These are the stupid and funny questions that you can ask anyone.

  1. If elderly people are called old people, why aren’t young people called new people?
  2. What do you think? Does orange fruit get its name from orange color or vice versa?
  3. Why are violets blue?
  4. Why do we call it kidnapped even if an adult is kidnapped? Shouldn’t it be adultnapped?
  5. Can a teacher give homework to a homeless child?
  6. If a person dies in the living room, what do you call it?
  7. What does a fly without wings called? A Walk?
  8. Why is a person who plays the piano is called a pianist, but a person who drives a race car isn’t called racist?
  9. Why is it called blackboard even if it is green?
  10. What is the opposite word of the opposite?

Funny and Rhetorical Questions

  1. If orange is orange, why apple is not an apple?
  2. What is the weirdest thing you’ve ever done?
  3. If you were to choose between Whatsapp or Instagram, what would you choose and why?
  4. If you meet aliens, what is the first question you would ask them?
  5. Share the most stupid thing you have done.
  6. If you were to start a funny and nasty rumor about your best friend, what would it be?
  7. Would you rather choose to be the most loved person or the wealthiest person?
  8. If you get up as your best friend the next day, what is the first thing you would do?
  9. What’s that one thing that pisses you off the most?
  10. Would you rather choose immortality or foresee your death?
  11. What’s the dumbest question you have ever been asked?


Those were some of the stupid and funny questions that you can ask anyone. These questions are dumb and make you all have a good laugh and understand everyone is a better and different way.

I hope this article was helpful. Thanks for reading and keep visiting our website.