Do I Need a Personal Injury Attorney in Louisville?

You may need a personal injury lawyer if you’ve been hurt in an accident that you believe is not your fault but someone else’s negligence, or if you suffer a slip and fall injury. Injuries can be a burden, and it’s your right to seek compensation for an unfortunate slip-and-fall or an injury you sustain out of someone else’s negligence.

If you opt to seek compensation from your insurance company, the right personal injury lawyers should help you resolve the case and get fair compensation.

How Serious is Your Injury?

If you slipped and fell in your local grocery store and sustained minor scrapes or bruises, or you were involved in a minor fender-bender that resulted in slight cosmetic vehicle damage, you may not need a personal injury lawyer. These are incidents that you can take care of by yourself and you don’t need an insurance claim or an attorney’s support.

However, an accident or slip-and-fall that causes a serious injury such as broken bones or a concussion may require an insurance claim. You can file a claim if the injury leaves you with serious medical bills, extended medical treatments, and no or reduced income.

If you plan to claim the injury, you may need to contact your personal injury attorney. If you don’t already have a personal injury attorney, you may need to find one immediately.

Why Call a Personal Injury Attorney in Louisville?

Any time you suffer serious injuries from a slip-and-fall or car accident, you may not know what to do. This is where you’ll need an expert personal injury attorney. Since you need a better understanding of the claims, the lawyer should break down the process and help you understand what’s to be done, when, and where.

Complex personal injury cases often involve significant damage compensation, which insurance companies may not want to pay. This is why you may need a personal injury lawyer if:

  • The appears to deny your claim
  • You disagree with the police report on the accident
  • The insurance company delays responding to your claim
  • The negligent driver (the at-fault driver) deflects liability to you for causing the accident, or you and the other driver cannot establish fault
  • The insurer delays paying the claim, or the claim process becomes overwhelming
  • The insurer issues a low settlement offer below per with the injury

A personal injury attorney should be familiar with such cases, how insurers work, and the court systems. If you’re in luck, your personal injury lawyer must know the Insurer’ lawyers and how they often make their moves. With this information, the lawyer should know the best strategies to help pursue your case, negotiate with the lawyers on the insurance company’s lawyers to protect your interests through every stage of the claims process.

How Can a Personal Injury Lawyer in Louisville Help?

Insurance companies have a team of lawyers you never want to go up against alone. While most cases are different, one of your biggest concerns about a victim like you is whether your injury case will settle quickly or go to trial. Whichever cause your case takes, your personal injury lawyer should be ready to tackle it.

Most personal injury cases don’t go to litigation and end in a settlement. At worst, litigation occurs when the case has a contested legal issue or its facts dispute. In this case, you’ll need a professional personal injury lawyer from a reputable firm like .

The lawyer (or your legal team) will carefully prepare your case for an appropriate settlement. If your claim proceeds to litigation, you can rely on your Louisville personal injury lawyer to ensure your rights are protected.

Which Rights Do You Need Protected?

gives accident injury victims up to one year from the accident date to file their personal injury lawsuit. After this time expires, your case will be void.

There is an exception to this in a car accident case, where the provided Statute of Limitations is two years from the accident’s date or two years from the last Personal Injury Protection payment’s date, not to exceed four years.

A specific Statute of Limitations in Kentucky also applies if death occurs. For example, if the defendant is a government agency, the law provides up to one year within which you should file a formal claim. In case of child accidents, the law requires that the victim files a formal claim within one year after they turn 18.

Hiring a Personal Injury Attorney

If you or someone close to you has had a slip and fall injury or experienced an injury where someone else is at fault, it’s appropriate to contact a personal injury attorney. The lawyer can help you with the claim process and possible litigation. Before you hire a personal injury attorney, consider the following:

  1. Find out if the attorney is licensed to practice in that field. Check a registered law firm if you’re trying to find a licensed personal injury attorney in your area. No registered law firm can allow an unlicensed attorney to practice in their name.
  2. Find out if the lawyer is registered in the state bar. The lawyer’s experience is also important when hiring an injury attorney. For example, search within the Kentucky state bar’s association or professional organizations in personal injury cases and check if the lawyer or firm is registered there.
  3. Review past clients’ reviews. Past clients’ reviews will tell you more about an attorney or law firm than you’ll ever find out in meetings. Find online reviews or talk to people who the lawyer has represented. If the reviews point you away, walk away.


Injuries are a large burden to bear when you do not have insurance, especially if your insurance company does not want to compensate or offer the right settlement. Since you cannot face insurance companies alone, you can trust the right personal injury attorney to help you with the process. The personal injury attorney should help you get the right settlement and ensure your rights are protected.