Mi Home is an official app by Xiaomi.Inc which lets you connect to all your WiFi-enabled devices at once from your phone. It can be very handy while operating gadgets remotely. Nowadays, most of the tech is based on IoT and is always connected to the internet and taking advantage of this Mi Home is developed. This article will let you know how to get Mi Home for Windows 10, 8 and 7 PC.
Mi Home for Windows or Mac is not yet specially available. But still, we can have Mi Home on PC using this simple trick. For this, you need to download and Install Bluestacks Android Emulator. While on Bluestacks Emulator, you can easily perform all the tasks that you do on any Android Phone. Let us take a sneak peek of what to do exactly.
How to Download Mi Home For Windows PC?
Follow the given instructions and you will get the simplest way out to get Mi Home on your laptop.
Step 1) Download and install Bluestacks Android Emulator
First, let us learn something about what exactly Bluestacks is . . .
Bluestacks is one of the most popular Android Emulator which can simulate Android apps on PC. It can run any and every app which is available for Android. Currently, Bluestacks is on Android N and can run most of the apps available for Android. The performance of Bluestacks is based on your PC hardware and it can work with almost every middle order PC or Laptop. You can Download Bluestacks from
After downloading Bluestacks Android Emulator, you need to let it install some of its files which will be required for functioning it normally. Then after you have done that, you are ready to go.
Step 2) Open Bluestacks Android Emulator and set it up
Setting up Bluestacks Android Emulator is pretty easy as you need to do it in the same way as you do for your phone. You need to add your Google account to it for Play store services.
After setting up, Bluestacks will look like in the image above.
Step 3) Search and Download Mi Home in Bluestacks Android Emulator’s Play Store
Search for Mi Home on Google Play Store and click on Install after you open the detailed page. This will download the app will automatically install it on your PC. This is exactly what you were looking for i.e. Mi Home for PC.
Step 4) Open Mi Home App
After you complete the whole procedure, you will get to see such an icon of Mi Home on the home screen of Bluestacks. Pretty easy, just click on it and you will end up opening the Mi Home app on PC.
After opening the app, you will get to see some terms and conditions of the same and you need to agree on them for the proper functioning of the app.
About Mi Home App
Mi Home is an app made by Xiaomi.Inc which is compatible on almost all Android devices and helps to control almost all Xiaomi smart devices that are made by them. You can configure all settings of devices right from Xiaomi Lamp to Xiaomi Vacuum cleaner and other smart devices too which make our life easy. Mi Home app can be really handy when you are away from your home and you can constantly monitor your home or other services at home using IoT enabled devices such as Mi 360 cameras and Mi smart lamps.
As there is no special app present for PC from Mi. Mi Home for Windows or Mi Home for Mac can be easily run by Bluestacks Android Emulator. Now using the Mi Home app on PC is easy as you just need to make the Xiaomi account. Furthermore, it will remember all the smart devices that you have paired until now.
Final Verdict
So, here we are just using a simple trick to run an Android app using Android Emulator on PC. Although there is no harm in doing so. But you need to understand that some features may not work depending on the device configuration. As PC doesn’t have the same kind of operating like smartphones and you will need to give it access for few other settings too.
Probably, the app will function in most of the devices but still, there are chances that your device might fail to run Bluestacks properly. Virtualization used by other software is one of the reasons why this happens. Speed depends on it. Antivirus software present in PC also stops it from working and functioning normally. Bluestacks need much battery as there are 100s of processes going on under the hood and so a poor power plan can limit its working.
Finally, we can clearly state the importance of the Mi Home app as it enables new freedom to control the whole house from anywhere in the world. It is an interesting piece of tech and will be more evolved in the very near future. Mi is trying to create a whole new ecosystem for its user and in the long term, it will be very effective. There are other alternatives to Mi Home such as Google Home and Alexa. But what features you get with Mi Home devices at an unbelievable price are just insane.
Mi is definitely successful in creating a whole new ecosystem and trapping customers in it for good.