Yeah, we know that “army of drones” and “fleet of drones” are probably the phrases you would expect to stumble upon while either reading science fiction or reading fanfiction. But you’re not.
The grant
Two American tech companies – the Fraunhofer USA Center for Experimental Software Engineering and Orbit Logic – are working on a technology that can rock this world.
The companies we have mentioned are developing a state-of-the-art mechanism. They reckon that a blockchain-based system can be of help to The National Aeronautics and Space Administration. The firms have an aim to contribute to NASA’s drone fleet.
Are you reading this article because you’re in love with these unmanned aerial vehicles? We can’t live without them too! However, saving enough money to buy this gadget can seem like an impossible task. The good news is, you don’t have to save money anymore. Why save the money have if you can make more instead? Cryptocurrency trading is exactly what we advise that you do.
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But we got carried away, oops.
$124 800 – this remarkable number is exactly how much The Fraunhofer USA Center for Experimental Software Engineering and Orbit Logic received, according to Orbit Logic’s twitter. The companies to build a quadcopter for the new generation.
How can unmanned aviation benefit from blockchain?
Blockchain keeps on expanding the frontiers of scientific progress. Except for this time, this flourishing industry can reshape the way we view space and aviation.
A drone company called SkyGrid, a subsidiary of Boeing and SparkCognition, the Artificial Intelligence enterprise, has published a whitepaper called .
The thing is, all the true time information about the airdrone’s whereabouts, about the course its flight has followed, about any changes used to be the drone operator’s responsibility. Now, however, blockchain technology could automate all the dull processes.
Let us explain to you how it works. Each quadcopter has its own individual ID. Smart contracts make a drone run by the instructions and settings you set automatically. For instance, you can just set a limit on the altitude – 120 meters, for example – and your drone won’t cross this line – both figuratively and literally. Besides, you can also set the radius limits for your drone not to skedaddle somewhere it is not supposed to be.
What is more, blockchain is able to detect it when something goes wrong with a quadcopter. All the faults information is transmitted to you, the drone operator, right away by the smart contract. Moreover, only after there is technical permission for an aircraft to fly again it can take off.
All the drone maintenance is recorded as well, thanks to blockchain.
As a result, if an accident happens, the auditability is still always achieved.
NASA x Blockchain
Apart from the ways blockchain is changing the industry we have already told you about, NASA has found one more.
Blockchain is a way for NASA to secure their aircrafts’ systems against cyber safety threats and to hold back the attempts to steal data.
To sum up
NASA wants to use blockchain architecture to protect their technologies and their specialists from cyber miscreants. Apart from that, there are many other ways unmanned aircrafts can benefit from blockchain.