Follow These Microlearning Best Practices For Better Results

Microlearning has been the go-to eLearning solution for many companies looking to improve their training programs in recent years. Learning outcomes significantly improve when instruction is provided in smaller chunks across various platforms while busy learners are still engaged.

Microlearning is also more efficient, faster, and more easily accessible than conventional eLearning programs. In fact, among the most popular eLearning concepts in recent years, microlearning definitely takes the cake. It will also continue to set the bar high for companies creating highly engaging training content.

Due to the way people work nowadays, and how they consume knowledge, many businesses now favor microlearning. Microlearning is, without a doubt, the training and development tool of the day. 

If you wish to , read this article. You could optimize the results of your online training by reading this article’s overview of the best microlearning strategies. Let’s begin. To begin with, let’s examine “how does microlearning work?”

How does microlearning work?

Microlearning is a training technique that divides courses into smaller, easier-to-manage portions, making learning more useful, practical, and convenient for working professionals.

Instead of asking corporate learners to sit through hour-long courses or attend conventional training sessions spread over weeks or days to fully address a topic, microlearning lessons are brief and focus on one facet of a concept.

You can enhance or replace other training programs with a bundle of microlearning resources. The learner can quickly and easily refer to them whenever they need to refresh their memory on the material.

By narrowing the focus and increasing the accessibility of training, employees can access microlearning courses at their own pace and convenience using a smartphone or other device.

For these and many other reasons, the practice of business training using microlearning has become incredibly popular. Repeating previously taught content and boosting retention can help you find and fill knowledge gaps.

Best Practices For Microlearning You Should Be Using

The following are some crucial best practices to make your microlearning efforts more effective:

Create quizzes to allow learners to review the learning material.

Employ quizzes to break up your training information and make it simpler to absorb. By using quizzes, you can design rich and captivating microlearning sessions. At the end of each session break, adding brief quizzes can help learners to recall and absorb more information.

Your employees will struggle to remember all the material by the time the module ends if you give them lengthy lectures covering a wide range of topics. This is where the results of microlearning are supported and enhanced with quizzes.

Quizzes also lower cognitive load, keep learners motivated, and give them a simple method for evaluating how well they understand the course material. 

Because the information is continually being evaluated, your employees will be able to get fast feedback. They will be better aware of what they currently know as well as what still needs to be learned.

You may create interactive quizzes and other question types with the help of ei Design solutions in order to increase student engagement with your content, gauge employee comprehension, and improve information retention.

Use a Mobile-Friendly Platform to facilitate learning at any time or place.

Mobile devices today go beyond being only a gadget. We now regularly consume a broad range of content on these adaptive, fully functional devices. As a result, your microlearning training content needs to be mobile-friendly.

This gives your staff members a great deal of freedom and enables them to access modules on their smartphones, tablets, and computers. This enables them to learn new concepts, details, and skills even when they’re not at their offices or in a formal environment.

If employee training isn’t available on mobile devices, it may become a diversion from work tasks because corporate learners won’t be as enthusiastic about using the microlearning content.

By employing several formats, you can modify the content.

People learn in many ways; some prefer audio, some prefer videos, and others prefer visual content forms like infographics.

The main benefit of microlearning is that it enables you to use multimedia to succinctly deliver learning content. Using various multimedia options, you can make your microlearning content more engaging. 

You can employ different learning methods by incorporating media types like images, infographics, sounds, and videos into your microlearning content to make it more engaging for corporate learners.

You can include a whole gamut of microlearning content formats with ei Design solutions, including documents, PowerPoint presentations, audio clips, PDF files, videos, images, and more.

Make engaging content using gamification.

With the incorporation of gamification, engagement in your microlearning material can improve quite significantly. Through game elements like scores, stages, awards, and leaderboards, your employees will be motivated to win more prizes, complete more gaming challenges, and maintain interest in the training materials.

When they have the time or want to take a break from their busy schedules, your employees will be more likely to learn new things through gamification.

Thus, both the rate at which modules are finished and learner engagement with the subject will increase. This combination of microlearning and gamification will inspire and drive your staff members.

You may utilize various gamification features to make learning fun and interesting for your workers and encourage participation, engagement, and competitiveness among learners. Rules, points, rewards, and leaderboards are some of these features.


In conclusion, microlearning is a fantastic way to enhance and add more motivation to your training session. By giving corporate learners bite-sized, digestible learning content portions, you may significantly improve the flexibility, consumability, and value of corporate training for them.

Furthermore, microlearning is helpful for learners of all skill levels and in various fields and industries.