How to Eliminate Digital Clutter in Your Life

When it comes to decluttering, most people think about their physical surroundings. You might go through a closet and donate everything you don’t need to Goodwill. Or you may clear off your desk and go through that stack of papers in your office and put documents in file folders. But clutter can accumulate digitally too. In fact, digital clutter might be a bigger problem than physical clutter in 2022.

What is Digital Clutter?

Digital clutter might be a new phrase, but it’s not a new idea. We’ve been dealing with digital clutter for the better part of two decades.

“Digital clutter is essentially the disorganization of your data, files, and digital devices,” . “This mess can appear in many forms — like a crowded inbox, full phone storage, or hundreds of files on your desktop. Digital clutter doesn’t just slow your devices down; it can slow you down as well.”

Research shows that the average worker spends as much as sifting through digital information just to find things they need. Digital disorganization also increases stress levels, heightens cybersecurity risks, lowers productivity, and leads to frustration.

How to Address Digital Clutter

The good news is that you don’t have to live with digital clutter. By taking a proactive stance, you can organize your data, files, and digital life once and for all. Here are several suggestions:

1. Migrate Files to the Cloud

We all have thousands of files on our devices. This includes documents, videos, pictures, spreadsheets, downloads, links, bookmarks, etc. And while we definitely want to keep some of them, the fact that they’re spread across different devices – like computers, smartphones, tablets, and browsers – makes it difficult to stay organized. As a result, we feel paralyzed by the clutter.

The easiest (and best) solution is to migrate all of your files to the cloud. Using a , you can keep everything securely and conveniently in one place. Best of all, you can access your files from anywhere or on any device at any time. This makes it easy to track down what you need. It also allows you to share files securely and without having to worry about data theft or data loss. Everything is securely backed up to the cloud.

2. Create a Filing System

Just having a cloud storage solution isn’t enough to truly get you organized and decluttered. You also need to have a specific filing system within your cloud drive. In other words, you need a method for organizing what you want to keep.

The easiest way to organize files is in a hierarchy of folders. For example, you might have a “Work” folder and a “Personal” folder. Inside the work folder, you have subfolders for each individual project you’re working on. In the personal folder, there are subfolders for finances, hobbies, kids, health records, etc.

3. Achieve Inbox Zero

If you’re anything like most people, your email inbox is a world of chaos and confusion. Between spam, dozens of subscription emails, work messages, and personal messages, you can feel your stress level increase anytime you log in. The solution? The Inbox Zero Method.

With the Inbox Zero Method, the goal is to end every day with zero emails in your inbox. Everything gets read, deleted, or saved into a specific folder for future reference. You can learn more about the exact steps of the method by .

4. Strip Your Smartphone

is loaded down with 80-plus apps. Yet the average individual only uses nine apps per day and 30 apps per month. That means you should be able to delete more than 50 applications off your phone. In doing so, you’ll free up space on your phone (helping it operate more efficiently) and limit the number of notifications you get.

5. Purge Your Newsfeed

Finally, while you might not think of it as digital clutter, having a busy newsfeed with thousands of friends or connections is creating some chaos in your life. You don’t have the mental or emotional bandwidth to process what’s happening in the lives of this many people. The best solution is to purge your newsfeed by unfollowing or muting people who are not in your “inner circle.”

Adding it All Up

Take control over your digital life by implementing proactive measures to reduce digital clutter. By having a cloud storage tool, filing system, and other practical steps in place, you can finally restore order, increase productivity, and lower the risk of security compromises. Good luck!