How to Make Your Cloud Migration Fast and Secure

Cloud office suites have emerged as a more flexible and powerful choice for enterprises as technology advances, and business demands change rapidly. It is being widely adopted to avoid hassles and reduce IT operational costs.

Through the experiences of thousands of businesses migrating to cloud office suites, we have compiled five best practices that can help you make your cloud migration fast and secure.

1. Decide What to Migrate

Pre-migration analysis is crucial for businesses to decide what data to move and delete anything that is no longer relevant. This removes the unnecessary data on your source cloud and accelerates your cloud migration.

For example, you are planning to . You should assess your Dropbox business account and find the details below:

  • Number of users to migrate
  • Amount of data to migrate
  • Number of folders and files to migrate
  • Number of sub-folder levels

2. Choose Managed Cloud Migration Services

Find a partner who can assist you in defining your migration goals and developing a migration plan that meets these objectives while also ensuring smooth operations. Not all the services support all the clouds and offer migration features.

When migrating to cloud office suites, you may want to migrate between cloud storage or collaboration platforms, such as Dropbox to Google Drive or . So, ensure the tool you chose supports your business migration needs and offers custom-tailored solutions.

3. Accurately Forecast the Timeline

It is known that the time it takes to migrate from one cloud platform to another depends on the data size and number of users to be migrated. But the cloud API rate limits majorly impact the migration timeline.

For example, Google Drive limits the amount of data that can be uploaded/migrated into it per day per user. So, understand the threshold limits of your destination cloud and set up realistic timelines for your migration project.

4. Automate the Data Migration

It is time-consuming and complex to migrate users and their data from one cloud platform to another. A single mismatch in mapping the users can put your business at risk. As a result, you must select a tool that allows you to map users automatically and execute the migration process faster without writing code.

5. Protect and Secure the Data During Migration

Businesses must ensure that the data is safe and secure from third parties during the migration process.

Even though the migration service provider is responsible for your data protection, regardless of how experienced they are, you must ensure that they have adequate security measures in place.