How to Use CBD Oil for Cats?

Are you wondering what the best CBD oil administration method for cats is? Since felines are popular for being fussy eaters, their reluctance to this product comes as no surprise.

Fortunately, there’s a wide array of methods and tricks for cat owners to try when introducing their pets to cannabidiol. These methods include direct feeding, adding some oil to their meals and treats, mixing it with tuna juice, putting some of it on their paws, etc.

We hope the tips below help you select the best one.

Try the direct feeding method

One of the simplest ways to administer CBD oil to your cat is the direct feeding method. You should introduce the dropper by presenting it near your feline’s nose and mouth for him/her to smell and taste it. Since felines are curious by nature, most of them will start licking the dropper to explore this strange object. Go here to see some simple ways to use a CBD oil dropper.

Nevertheless, it’s possible for your pet to refuse to lick it, as cannabidiol has a powerful smell. It’s paramount for your cat to feel comfortable while you use the dropper. Feline owners are advised to pet their companions with one hand while using the other one to hold the dropper. The head of your pet should be lifted so as to put the dropper inside its mouth more easily. The dose should be squirted at a slow rate for the animal not to feel overwhelmed.

Add it to their food

An alternative to the direct feeding method is adding CBD oil to your cat’s food. Make sure to add it to its favorite meals, as it’s the only way to be certain your pet will eat the entire portion. Adding the oil to some of its least favorite meals won’t guarantee the desired results.

After preparing the meal for your feline in the usual way, you should measure the right dose and add it on top of it. Cannabidiol oil can be added to both dry and wet food. It should be mixed up well before serving the meal to your fluffy friend to camouflage with the taste of the food.

Try CBD treats

As far as CBD treats are concerned, these are an effective method for administering cannabidiol to felines. You can either add cannabidiol oil to your pet’s favorite treats or purchase cannabidiol-infused treats designed for cats. There is a vast assortment of products with CBD for cats in the form of tinctures, pet capsules, and treats. Nevertheless, the treats are usually cats’ favorites, which is why many pet owners opt for this administration method.

When adding the oil to regular treats, you should spread the correct dose on the surface before giving them to your companion. In contrast, CBD-infused treats already contain cannabidiol, thus making the administration process simpler. Anyhow, it’s of tremendous importance for these products to contain no gluten, preservatives, artificial flavors, and colors.

Dosing is much simpler with these types of treats, as each piece usually contains two milligrams of cannabidiol oil. They mostly come with a salmon flavor to be more delicious for felines.

Mix tuna or tuna juice with CBD oil

The smell of tuna is irresistible to almost any cat, which makes it a perfect combination with cannabidiol. Nevertheless, this trick shouldn’t be practiced on a daily basis, as too much tuna can result in a deficiency of vitamin E in these animals.

The recipe is relatively straightforward, as you’ll only need to mix a tablespoon of tuna juice or tuna with a dose of oil. Once felines sense the tuna smell, they will show interest in consuming this mixture. In most cases, they will beg for more, but you shouldn’t give in to their meowing.

Put the oil into an empty feeding dish

Another administration method to try is putting cannabidiol oil into the empty dish of your feline companion. Cats associate their feeding dishes with delicious food, which stimulates them to give the tincture a try. Put the required dose into the bowl and wait for your pet to show its attitude towards it.

Put it on their paws

Owners of fussy felines are recommended to try putting some tincture on the paws of their companions. Since cats groom themselves most of the time, they will probably feel an urge to lick their paws clean after their owners put some oil on them. Consequently, they will receive their dose without even being aware of it. Nevertheless, your pet might run off immediately and spread the tincture everywhere around the house, creating a huge mess.

What is the correct dose?

Pet owners are supposed to calculate the right dose of CBD for their cats based on their weight and condition. Generally, felines should be administered between two and four milligrams of cannabidiol per ten pounds of weight. This amount is double the portion canines get, as cats have fewer cannabinoid receptors.

In addition, the seriousness of the condition is also crucial in calculating the dose. For instance, felines with epilepsy and cancer should be given between four and six mg of oil right from the start.

Final thoughts

It doesn’t matter which method you use as long as it’s effective.

Make sure your feline loves it!