LinkedIn Recruiting: Tips That Bring Employees

In recent years, recruiting strategies have changed. Today, businesses use social media to find talents and close deals, particularly on platforms such as LinkedIn.

Why LinkedIn? It is a network designed for professionals and business people looking for development and career opportunities. For recruiters, such social media offers excellent options for contacting and attracting candidates.

This post will show you how to use LinkedIn to recruit candidates and make recruiters noticeable on LinkedIn.

How To Recruit on LinkedIn: Image, Values, Communication

LinkedIn provides a way to present a company and its workers to other business actors. In particular, this social media allows building an image that will work for you.

Subject to , around 80% of recruiters and HR professionals underline that company culture and reputation are crucial for attracting candidates. Simultaneously, more than 90% of workers emphasize that they would move to a different company with an outstanding reputation. What does it imply?

Recruiters need to establish a good image that will reflect the culture and processes of the company to hire using LinkedIn. The LinkedIn recruiting strategy would require a recruiter to consider the following:

The image behind the profile

It is essential how employees and potential workers perceive the company. In this regard, ask yourself:

  • What does my company project?
  • What do employees think of the company?

Do some polls, identify the issues, and check the reviews of the former employees. Having the feedback, you can make changes and improve the image.

Values that bring culture

The values are at the foundation of the culture. Potential employees take them into account when deciding on a job offer. They compare their goals with your mission and verify whether your and their values align. Thus, it is better to portray what you implement, how you do it, and what for.

Communication supporting the image

Communication allows recruiters to transmit the appropriate image. Thus, think of the words, symbols, and tone of voice you use. They reflect the inner culture of the company. Besides, it is for you to determine the line between being formal or casual. Visual materials and coverage matter as well.

In the end, it is vital to develop a consistent, confident, and clear message appealing to the candidates. The more coherent you sound, the better you will be perceived.

LinkedIn Recruiting Tips: Hire Using LinkedIn Effectively

Many specialists wonder how to find candidates for free. LinkedIn as a recruitment tool can help in doing it. However, it is a question of the time and effort you are willing to spend.

If applied right, it will enable reaching passive candidates, headhunting, and effectively using the ‘post and pray’ strategy. These steps can help a recruiter to attract a workforce on LinkedIn:

Design a recruiter profile on LinkedIn

Creating a recruiter profile on LinkedIn is necessary if you use LinkedIn to recruit candidates and consider it the primary sourcing strategy. To do so, you need to develop a recruiter profile that would reflect your company’s page and even contribute to it.

A convincing profile is concerned with the appropriate photo, relevant headline, the portrayal of skills, clear mission, and valuable content.

When picking the right image, make sure that your face is visible, taking more than 60% of the frame. The background should not distract the viewer, while your expression should be warm and friendly.

Show your values and mission

It is crucial to turn your headline into a statement describing what you do. Yet, the message should be short and precise. A recruiter profile on LinkedIn will not be complete without filling summary and skills sections, as they are to show your expertise and underline your functions.

When using LinkedIn as a recruitment tool, the recruiters should write their story, incorporating their company’s values in summary. The perfect piece would focus on professionalism and support the company image.

Connect with more people

LinkedIn works the following way: the more people you know, the better it is for your operation. This rule applies both to marketing and recruiting.

Why? When you add someone to your network, you access your connections’ profiles and their network. Moreover, it refers to messaging as well.

That way, recruiters use LinkedIn to recruit candidates who have worked in other firms and have great expertise. Some may call it headhunting. Nevertheless, it is all about expanding talent research capabilities.

Reach candidates in various ways

To connect with candidates, you can use various techniques. The simplest one is to send a request with a short message. It usually refers to work offers, possible cooperation, and research. However, some send requests even without messages.

Your actions would depend on the sourcing strategy. For instance, knocking on the door of the decision-maker can be a good idea to get to the profiles of managers. However, you’d need a special occasion to do so.

The efficient way is to contact someone after the engagement with a post. You may like their post and leave a comment, developing a reason for the connection.

Another technique, working great with passive candidates, is writing them directly via InMail. Passive candidates rarely check their LinkedIn.

Thus, the best way to approach them is using the InMail feature, allowing recruiters to send the message into the registered email. However, if you still get no answer, you may try using a to get the available information on the candidate, including their corporate email based on the domain of their current workplace.

Use advanced tools

Another advantage of LinkedIn for recruiting is the tool. It is a specific feature incorporated for HR professionals that offer search filters and insights on the candidates.

Linkedin Recruiter benefits refer to a better understanding of the workforce’s requirements and experience and greater organization of your work. With it, you have more InMails to be sent. At the same time, it has some limitations that depend on the response rate.

If you exceed the limit, you may try other means. For instance, you can use email finders or scrapers like those mentioned above and integrate info into your CRM.

With such tools, you can contact passive candidates that do not use LinkedIn at the moment, or that missed your InMail. Yet, the recruiter should be careful and write a gentle message to respect the boundaries and not harm their reputation.

Share content and advocate your brand

Besides, applying LinkedIn as a recruitment tool is not always about reaching and engaging with the right people. You can share quality pieces to attract candidates and advocate the brand of your employer.

An employee advocate is a person who would promote your company and share its values. If a person having 400 connections shares a post on your company practice or cultural initiatives, it would boost

Your company’s ‘post and pray’ strategy would be much more effective if you get enough coverage. First, it will be supported by the brand reputation. Secondly, your advocates are likely to repost or share the news within their network, bringing you active candidates.

Summing Up

Nowadays, brand image and values portrayal seem to be significant for the attraction of talents on LinkedIn. Therefore, employees should think of image, values, and communication within their strategies to hire using LinkedIn. The recruitment would be ineffective without an appealing profile, extensive network, and effective communication.