Managing Water Leakages in Public Spaces: The Most Common Causes of Loss of Water

Effective water management in public areas requires not only the prevention of leaks visible to the naked eye but also the consideration of water that does not generate money. A big obstacle that water utilities must overcome is the problem of non-revenue water, which includes water that is lost due to leaks, usage that is not allowed, and inaccurate metering by customers. In this piece, we will look into the various water leakages that occur in public spaces and address several tactics.

Visible Water Leaks

Visible water leaks include the sources of water loss that are more readily obvious, such as leaks in the plumbing system, leaks in the irrigation system, and leaks in the fixtures. Most of the time, these leaks are visible and may be found through routine inspections and maintenance. To prevent water waste in public areas, it is essential to promptly identify and repair any leaks that are apparent to individuals.

Non-visible Water Leaks 

Water utilities and public spaces are confronted with a more daunting dilemma in the form of non-revenue water, sometimes called invisible water loss. Water lost from the distribution system without being accounted for is an example of this type of leakage. This type of leakage results in monetary losses and an increased demand for the availability of water resources.

Non-Revenue Water

is not accounted for and is mostly found in public places. It can be further broken down into two primary components;

  • Physical Losses: Physical losses are caused by leaks in the water distribution system, which includes pipes, valves, and fittings. These leaks can cause physical losses. These leaks may be underground or concealed, making it easier to identify them with cutting-edge technologies such as acoustic sensors and leak detection systems.
  • Commercial losses:  Unauthorized consumption, inaccurate metering, and billing problems are all examples of commercial losses. This may result from several factors, including tampering with meters, illegal connections, or metering technology that does not effectively monitor water consumption. Implementing stringent metering procedures, performing routine audits, and utilising smart metering technology are all potential solutions to the problem of commercial losses.

Water leak prevention strategies:

Make Use of Technologically Advanced Leak Detection Resources

Public areas and water utilities can invest in cutting-edge leak-detecting systems to solve both apparent and unseen breaches of water supply. Real-time monitoring systems, satellite imaging, and acoustic sensors can provide significant insights into suspected leaks, enabling preemptive and focused responses.

Determine and implement programs for routine maintenance.

Implementing routine maintenance programs to stop water leaks that are visible to the naked eye is essential. Plumbing systems, irrigation infrastructure, and water fixtures should all be inspected regularly, and public areas should develop inspection and maintenance plans. By taking this preventative strategy, leaks can be identified and fixed before they become more destructive.

The infrastructure for water distribution should be upgraded.

To reduce the amount of physical losses, it is necessary to invest in modernising and repairing the existing water distribution infrastructure. More up-to-date Materials and technologies can improve the distribution network’s longevity and resilience, lowering the probability of leaks.

Improve the billing and metering systems.

Implementing sophisticated metering and billing systems in public spaces is recommended to help combat business losses. Discrepancies can be identified, and correct measurement and invoicing of water use can be ensured through smart metering technologies, automated billing systems, and periodic audits.