Pros and Cons of Electric Cars

By John Brown

Commercially speaking, electric cars have been around for a while, but their popularity has seemingly skyrocketed in recent years. They’re everywhere—on the street, on the highway, on carpool lanes, and zooming through the interstate. Since their conception, many have dreamed of enjoying this tech gizmo.

This innovation had been trapped in science fiction for years, and now, it’s become a reality. Electric cars—in contrast to traditional vehicles—employ an electric motor powered by electricity from batteries or a fuel cell.

Over the years, they’ve evolved into various unique styles that pack numerous features, so you can test any variation that tickles your fancy. Unfortunately, the cost of these machines is somewhat high, explaining why they’re not as accessible. 

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We’ve outlined all the advantages and potential drawbacks of driving an electric car to help you make the best choice when you purchase your next vehicle. Without further ado, let’s get straight to the deets.

Benefits of Electric Cars

Electric cars are fast becoming a practical and everyday means of transportation with numerous advantages for their users. In addition to saving you time, driving an electric car is enjoyable and environmentally friendly. More particularly, electric vehicles have several benefits compared to cars powered by .

There are tremendous and numerous reasons to purchase an electric vehicle in the current technological era. Manufacturers upgraded the latest electric cars to provide additional user benefits. Outlined below are the key benefits electric cars offer.


Electric cars have sharp acceleration and employ a regenerative brake system when relaxing off the pedal. Having a low center of gravity, they’re much more stable on the road in case of an accident. The result is a general enhancement in handling, comfort, and safety.

Less Noise

Unlike gasoline and diesel vehicles, there’s no doubt that electric cars are substantially quieter. Electric vehicles are so silent that it’s now a legal requirement to have an Acoustic Vehicle Alert System (AVAS) that makes a noise when reversing or moving at a low speed.

Added Convenience

The nicest part about electric cars is that you won’t have to hurry to the gas station to recharge them before heading out on the road. A regular wall outlet is just sufficient to charge an electric car. 

Environmental Friendliness

The main benefit of an electric vehicle is that it is deemed more than gas cars. Research shows that they produce less carbon dioxide emissions. Unlike gas cars that run solely on non-renewable sources, electric cars can be powered by renewable sources like solar and wind. 

Ease of Use

Electric cars offer an enjoyable means of driving automobiles. They have a transmission with just one extraordinarily long gear and don’t experience the stalling issue that fuel vehicles do.

As a result, it’s no longer necessary to include a clutch mechanism to preclude this occurrence in the first place. All you need to operate an electric vehicle is the steering wheel, brake, and accelerator.

Drawbacks of Electric Cars

Every rose has thorns, and the same is true for electric cars. Although these vehicles present numerous perks, they also come with some disadvantages worth mentioning so you can make an informed decision. 

Relatively Expensive

Electric automobiles typically cost more than their gasoline or diesel-powered counterparts. However, the additional expenditures stop here. Due to the lack of moving components and the lesser need to change filters or oil, servicing or maintaining electric vehicles is typically less expensive.

While the battery passes as the priciest component of an electric vehicle, most are reliable, lasting years before requiring a change. Electric cars are also more efficient in converting energy to movement, so you could go farther for the same amount you’d spend on gas. 

Battery Limit

When choosing an electric vehicle, the range is a crucial factor. The size, battery age, and driving habits affect how many miles an electric car can travel on a single charge. On the contrary, the age and performance of an internal combustion engine determine how far a fueled car can go.

Long Charging Period

Even with a quick charger, which can take up to 30 minutes to fully charge, an electric car takes far longer to charge than refueling a gasoline vehicle. Those with home chargers must have an allotted time to recharge their electric car in their garage when it’s not in use—often for extensive hours. 

Although there are a few more drawbacks, such as finding a charging station, practicality, and difficulty in replacing the car battery, electric cars provide many benefits, including the pride in owning one. So regardless of your bias towards them, they still have a certain novelty and objective usefulness.

Final Words — Are Electric Cars Worth It?

Can electric cars live up to the hype?

With all said and done, here’s our honest opinion — it rarely makes sense to buy a new car only to overspend on fuel. Electric cars have gone beyond what’s hot and what’s not.

Maybe it’s expensive, but who cares when it’s so cool?

We’ll say it’s time to upgrade to the next generation in awesomeness. Consequently, considering the series of advantages electric cars present, such as zero exhaust emission and ever-improving battery technology, electric cars seem like the way to go!

The singular thought of never revisiting a gas station is more than intriguing. We believe that if electric cars were more accessible, more people would be buying them.   

Finally, if you’re a staunch promoter of everything’ green,’ one way to minimize the use of fossil fuels is by purchasing an electric car. This one-liner sums up our thoughts on going electric: “There’s no better time to go electric than now!”

Author’s bio:

John is a financial analyst but also a man of different interests. He enjoys writing about money and giving financial tips, but he can also dive into relationships, sports, gaming, and other topics. Lives in New York with his wife and a cat.