Six industries that are great to work in during COVID-19

Many people have resulted in changing areas of profession after taking the hit from COVID-19. Some either permanently or temporarily to ensure they make a living. While some sectors collapsed, others propelled further into prosperity within a short period of time. Workers in the tech and internet industries had their product demand rise because of lockdown. They helped keep other sectors moving with the implemented work-from-home model.

Joining any internet-related specialty could also be your way to regain normalcy. With the appropriate skill set, you could become what businesses out there need. Among the top-rated sectors you might find to be prosperous include:

Web Designing and Management 

Since the coronavirus outbreak in early 2020, businesses have moved onto platforms to advertise, market, and sell their products. Running their ventures online, they have generated a demand for high-end website development and maintenance skills. As an expert, you can be hired to design a website for a business or redesign an outdated website. You could also offer consultancy services, website optimization advice, and more.

To offer your clients quality, you must understand the user experience. Expertise in internet app development and web-tech innovation is also essential. Communication skills are also vital in the industry in order to work with your teammates and clients.

User Interaction (UI) Design

While UI designers are similar to web designers, they take on more specialized roles. They ensure users on your website have a trouble-free experience while doing whatever they came to do. A website’s functionality and usability are of key importance when it comes to bringing traffic and increasing conversions. Making interfaces more convenient will help your client’s website bring in more traffic.

This profession, however, requires attention to detail. A designer couples with a team tasked with implementing innovative plans and collecting consumer feedback. After realizing the problem areas, they design a prototype and present it to the tasked team. They heed to feedback, making adjustments such as storyboards, wireframes, process flows, and user flows. If you like teamwork and care about product and service quality, this career path could be perfect for you.

Internet Marketing

With the booming internet business era, competition could bring difficulties to an app, website, or product. The competitiveness makes digital marketing operations crucial in driving business revenue and traffic. Although this field is currently swarmed, there is a demand for talented internet-based marketing managers.

If you think about getting into marketing, you need to understand analysis and statistics, among other hard skills. Extra skills, such as editing and design, could be bonus points when pitching for opportunities. This niche is marketable to people willing to pursue further with the current global internet dependency.

Instead of dropping entire systems or careers, workers in this field only adjust and learn new techniques. You have to start preparing an appealing resume before starting to pitch for job opportunities!

Software Development

have become sought after by many industries with the gradual growth of the internet. These opportunities need people with skills in modifying, testing, and debugging software apps. They also track applications performance and design solutions based on consumer software needs.

Because of the significant workload software development contains, developers, collaborate with other workers. These specialists include designers, content producers, and sometimes other engineers. The job requires focusing on particular areas over time. This industry is competitive, and its income depends on the developer’s technical experience and abilities. Prior experience in issues like database integration is vital to prosperity.

Long study hours and more hours of practice are the sole technique to becoming a successful software developer.

Big Data Analysis and Development

Many sectors continue recruiting big data specialists and analysts, making this niche thrive. It is becoming more challenging to analyze data to extract useful details with significant data records. With the suitable skills, you could join these experts as their number continues growing during the outbreak.

Some hard skills needed include exploratory analysis, parallel procession, programming, and SQL. Other skills that may boost your odds are the potential to simulate, optimize, and model. Big data experts have also become much-needed specialists in data mining and machine learning globally. This profession requires constant skill improvement, and gaining practical experience is essential.

Telehealth Consultancy

Out of necessity, has grown to serve patients at home. Through applications, patients can consult their doctors through devices like computers and phones. With support, medical tech has boomed throughout the COVID-19 period.

Working in this field in the tech part of it, you need expertise in platform management. But if you want to work on the medical part, you should be a certified therapist or doctor. Many hospitals globally have started hiring consultants in this area.


Because of the sudden closure of institutions worldwide when COVID-19 struck, educational tech grew further. Platforms helped to replace physical learning during the outbreak. Students attended classes on apps forcing changes even in teaching methods. Tutors dropped conventional teaching techniques to take on better interactive methods introduced using these platforms.

People involved in running, managing, and teaching students on these apps earned a significant profit throughout the pandemic and continued with the new normal trend.