Step By Step Guide to Decluttering Your Home

If you are tired of your home looking cluttered and being full of things you don’t really need, now is the time to do a full purge. Unfortunately, many of us . While you may think that the more you have, the happier you’ll be, this couldn’t be farther from the truth. If you are interested in simplifying your life and focusing on the things that bring you the most joy, it’s time to get rid of the clutter in your home.

Having your home filled with clutter can result in unnecessary . When your home becomes filled to the point of distraction, it can be unhealthy and cause you to feel overwhelmed. The first step towards lightening the load is deciding to start the purging process.

Purging can have many benefits. Taking boxes to the to help those that are less fortunate can light a philanthropic light in your life. You will be able to use your functional space once it is cleared of unnecessary items. And, you will feel more open and free after you have decluttered your home. Let’s take a closer look at the steps it takes to declutter your home completely.

Set Your Goals

When you have a lot of clutter to tackle, choosing a starting point can be a challenge. It can be helpful to set some attainable goals for yourself. Make a list of the areas in your home that you want to tackle and start at the top. It’s essential to isolate your clean-up efforts to one room at a time. If you don’t focus on a space, it can be distracting, and you will end up working in different areas and not getting as much done as you would like.

Set a time limit for yourself. You may want to get your first room cleaned out on the weekend. will help you to concentrate on your goals. Set your timelines based on the workload and the size of each room. For example, you will need to set aside more time to tackle your garage or basement than you would for your linen closet.

Create A System

Before you start your purge, you will need to create a sorting system to help you stay organized. Professionals suggest you use a box system that includes containers for items that you want to Sell, Donate, Store, and Trash. This will allow you to easily designate items and keep the mess to a minimum.

You may want to to help you with your job. Having a place to throw all your unwanted items will make your job easier, and the whole lot can be picked up in one trip by your waste company.

80/20 Rule

It’s estimated that of 100 items in our closets, we only regularly wear about 20. The other 80 pieces are either the wrong size, specific styles, formal wear, in need of repair, or out of style. When you are , it’s important to remember this rule and get rid of items that are simply taking up space.

If you haven’t worn a piece of clothing in over a year, it’s time to let it go. You don’t need to keep those bridesmaids’ dresses stuffed in the back either. Take out each item in your closet and determine whether it is still wearable. If you aren’t keeping an item, make sure to add it to your donation box.

Do You Love It?

Purging your home can be difficult for many people. We tend to associate our memories with material items making it hard for us to part with them. When you struggle to decide on an item, it can be helpful to ask yourself these three questions:

  • Does it bring you joy?
  • Does it have a purpose?
  • Can you live without it?

Let the answer to these questions be your guide. There will be items that you struggle with, and that’s acceptable. It can be helpful to have a box for “undecided” items that you can give more thought to.

Is It Functional?

Consider how many things actually get used regularly in your home. If it’s only 20% to 30%, this indicates you’re living in a home full of items that aren’t useful or have no. When you are purging your home, ask yourself what things are truly useful and what is just taking up space.

Forget Sunk Costs

Sunk costs are the price that you have invested in your belongings. Unless an item has increased in value over time, it will likely qualify as a . It can be tough to consider getting rid of an item that costs you a good deal of money. However, if it isn’t being used, it is just taking up space. You will have to let it go and accept the financial loss.

Garage Sale

One of the great benefits of purging your clutter is that you‘ll have many items that you can sell. and put all of your unwanted and unneeded items up for sale. Your neighbors and friends may have some use for the things with which you are done. Set a monetary goal, and use the money to treat yourself to something special.


You can donate more than your old clothes to charity when you are purging your home. Here is a list of items that most charitable organizations accept:

  • Books and magazines
  • Decor items
  • Footwear
  • Sporting equipment
  • Tools
  • Kitchen items
  • Craft supplies
  • Furniture
  • Electronics
  • Appliances

Purging your home can be an extremely gratifying experience, but it can also be an emotional challenge. It’s important to make a plan, get organized and get in the right mind space to help you get the job done. Your house will be clean and clutter-free and an inviting place to call home.