Things you should never do in a new car

So, you just bought a shiny new car that you have been saving up for a long time. You found a great deal on a . Congratulations. If it’s your first car, then you might not be aware, but there are certain things that you should never do with a brand-new car. As these cars get older, doing these same things will not cause any issue, but a brand-new car might be affected adversely.

As much as it’s fun to hit the gas pedal and take off, hitting the red lines every now and then, these are certain things you must avoid if you want to keep your new car safe. Even manufacturers recommend certain guidelines to maintain for the period when you own your car. Also, these guidelines mostly ensure the longevity of your car’s engine. Not following these guidelines doesn’t necessarily guarantee your engine will fail, but it does mean you have a higher chance of having to purchase a  at some point. Here are certain things you should avoid –

Flooring the pedal

Whenever you press the full throttle, the air intake valves open more, based on the amount of the pedal pressed. When this happens, the engine will burn fuel more quickly. since it might not be perfect, as it is new.

You need to let the engine ease into it. Taking it slow and steady will ensure a safer and much smoother transition and ensure the longevity of the engine. You must not use full throttle for the first few hundred miles or so.

Shifting at redline

We understand the excitement of getting a new car but hold your horses. Shifting at the redline should also be avoided. .

This puts a negative impact and excess stress on the new parts, all of which will age undesirably if kept under this constant pressure right from the beginning. On the contrary, if you start off slow, the parts will ease into it and last longer.

Using cruise control

This may sound like a bunch of nonsense, but there is scientific reasoning behind this.  When your engine is new, you would want it to get accustomed to driving at varying speeds. What happens when you engage cruise control is, the . The best thing for your new engine is to make sure it gets used to differing speeds and quick changes in RPMs. Again, this will ensure a smoother transition.

Traveling super short distances

We don’t want to advise you to run away into a different country with your new car, but a quick run around the block is also something you must avoid with your new car. The new engine of your car is a novice and it needs to get accustomed to being heated up.

. It also makes sure that lubrication among various parts is being done properly. Heat the engine up as much as you can. Additionally, you can also run the engine idle for a few minutes to get it heated before starting the journey.

Overloading the car

Carrying 5 people on your new crossover is fine, but adding more weight at the roof and a ton of heavy cargo inside? Not a good idea. All the parts inside your car are still trying to ‘warm up’ and get used to the life outside the factory.

. Unless necessary, do not overload the vehicle until you have driven a certain distance.

Towing another vehicle

Another big no-no for a new car is towing another vehicle. Just as we mentioned in the previous point, the engine and the parts are still very, and towing another vehicle or any other heavy object will put unnecessary strain on the vehicle.

Since the car is new, the tires and brakes also won’t offer the best grip, as the tires have not been properly exposed to that experience yet. .

Letting the gas tank be lower than a quarter

This has a big reason as to why you should avoid it. Firstly, the new car does not always provide the most accurate measurements of the gas tank, as the parts are still fresh. .

Secondly, and most importantly, the gas in your car acts like a coolant for the electric fuel-pump motor, and running low on gas will cause that pump to suck air in, creating heat and causing the fuel pump to potentially fail prematurely. So, always make sure to keep an eye on the tank.

Filling the tank with Premium Gas

As attractive as it may sound to fill your new vehicle with premium gasoline at a higher price, it’s actually completely unnecessary.

Almost all cars will run fine on regular fuel. So, first of all, . Secondly, even the automotive companies recommend avoiding premium gas. Higher-octane gas may actually contain products that will harm your car, rather than doing good.

Changing oil too frequently

The engine oil is something you must avoid changing too frequently. You can go up to 5,000 or even 7,500 miles before you decide to change the oil. This is not something we claim, but what manufacturers suggest themselves. .

Skipping the owner’s manual

We know that you know everything about cars and do not need to spend time reading a boring book teaching you how stuff works. But trust us, it is necessary. .

The manual has everything is written out in plain English (or a language of your choice) and will explain how to properly maintain your brand-new car. You will not only learn new things but also learn the actual way the manufacturers want you to take care of the car.