Top 6 Creative Billboard Advertising Examples to Get Inspiration From

Are you part of the creative or marketing team of a company looking to execute a billboard advertising campaign? Are you facing a creative block, unable to come up with a new and innovative idea for the campaign?

If so, then we have good news for you. In this blog, we have outlined six examples that you will surely find inspiration from for your next campaign.

1. BBC’s Dracula

BBC’s Dracula billboard campaign saw a bunch of stakes planted on the board during daylight, but when the sun set, a silhouette of Dracula’s face actually appeared. This was a genius advertising idea that utilized the time of day to fully showcase the visuals of the billboard. Although the name of the show, the channel it aired on, and the date it was airing were all printed on the board, the true impact was only seen after dusk. A nocturnal billboard for the nocturnal and notorious Dracula.

2. Disney+’s The Mandalorian

The Mandalorian’s billboard campaigns have seen a number of different billboards across the globe. A few of their billboards, however, showcase a part of the title character, mostly his head and neck, above the frame of the billboard itself, giving it a 3D effect. This adds a further dimension to a static billboard, which is something to consider if you find yourself struggling with creative billboard ideas.

3. Women’s Aid ‘Look at Me’

If you have the budget for it, why not try employing cutting-edge technology for your billboard campaign? The Look at Me billboard by Women’s Aid used facial-recognition technology via cameras that detected when someone was looking towards the billboard. The more people that looked at the screen, the more the image of the bruised woman would change – her bruises started to heal. The campaign was a massive success, .

4. Cadbury Dairy Milk Bar

A billboard example that literally makes a billboard of their product is Cadbury’s Dairy Milk billboard ad that simply saw a billboard version of their Cadbury Dairy Milk bar, with miniature people tearing away at its wrapper, revealing the chocolatey goodness inside. Take a page out of Cadbury’s book and go simple but creative!

5. Activision’s Call of Duty: Modern Warfare II

When it comes to , creativity is unlimited regarding the type of ads that can be produced and shown on them. The Call of Duty MWII digital billboard campaign featured 3D animated cinematics (recreated in CGI) to hype up the release of the game, capturing the attention of passersby and fans of the game. The 3D animation is a more engaging way to captivate audiences instead of a digital slideshow type of ad that you see on billboards.

6. Heinz ‘Draw Ketchup’

Heinz and their ‘Draw Ketchup’ campaign first started by asking individuals to draw ketchup, with the results unironically showing that most of them ended up drawing Heinz. These drawings were then featured on multiple billboards, boosting (and also showing off) customer loyalty. Take notes, marketers! It might be time to opt for a campaign that involves user(customer) generated content like this Heinz example.