Why you should play Apex Legends

Apex Legends emerged as a rival to the record-breaking PUBG.

A new project from EA GAMES was supposed to shake the leadership of PUBG, bring a new direction to eSports, and think of new interesting mechanics to diversify the gameplay and to have noticeable differences from the competitor.

Apex Legends has an advanced rating system – it is needed to distribute players according to the degree of development of their gaming skills and abilities in the game. This is done so that all gamers have equal opponents, and the most ambitious players make their way to the very top of the divisions and try their hand at eSports, which by the way, is very developed in the Apex universe and continues to grow year by year thanks to investments from EA GAMES.

The stronger and higher your opponent’s game level, the faster you progress, even if it will be very difficult at the beginning.

If you are stuck in the first divisions but want to try to play against stronger opponents, then pay attention to the service at the link – .

This service provides pumping, training, game currency sales, and other useful services for all players in Apex Legends and other projects. To ensure security, VPN is used, and the Skycoach service guarantees the safety of personal data. All measures are taken to ensure the secrecy of all actions from the game administration.

What is interested in Apex Legends

  • Dynamic gameplay
  • Wide pool of agent selection
  • Ranking and division system
  • Developed esports segment

Dynamic gameplay

The main idea of the royal battle, laid by the creators of PUBG, is the concept of landing on a large map a huge number of players without equipment and the need to look for weapons and equipment and fight other players for survival.

Apex took the basic concept but added its own dynamics and new principles of combat and actions on the game map.

If PUBG is built on relative realism since the project is implemented on the Arma 2 engine – a full-fledged military simulator.

This means that players are waiting for realistic bullet ballistics, a damage system, and forcedly reduced dynamics in favor of real combat.

is built on dynamics – jumps, skills for jumping on parts of the map, abilities to increase mobility, and maneuverability give the project a unique charm, fast passage of matches, and the ability to compete not only in luck finding the best weapon but also in speed.

Wide pool of agent selection

In Apex Legends, there is no universal character like in PUBG. Here, it is a system of agents with special skills and abilities that can be combined in a combat squad to achieve synergy and readiness for any situation during battles.

Lifelane is a drone master and field medic. This shooter can summon and use drones for surveillance and generating first aid kits – your team does not need to look for medical supplies; Lifelane will create them herself. A big plus will be the ability to use the drone to reanimate a fallen ally – for this, you do not need to use the character himself, and the hero can continue to fight and defend the position until the drone raises your ally.

Octane is half robot, half human. Able to absorb a large amount of damage from opponents, it has a good level of regeneration. This class can restore health outside combat without using first aid kits and other aids. The main thing is not to get carried away so that you do not become an object that needs immediate resurrection from the command tank.

Bastion is a mixture of tank and AoE dp classes. The character can use his heavy armor and put a guard before him to block all incoming damage in a straight line. Protection can be bypassed from the flanks or rear and thrown by various grenades. The main feature of the character is the ability to conduct artillery fire on the territory, which will allow your squad to smoke out opponents from shelters, slow down the advance of enemies on your positions and prevent players from approaching Airdrop.

Ranking and division system

Apex Legends has a division and ranking system. It partially migrated from the football simulator, also owned by EA. But the main thing is that this scheme works, the players have the incentive to improve their gaming skills to play with the best, and for those who enter the project once a month, non-ambitious players are selected in the same way, who appreciate the atmosphere of Apex, and not the competitive part.

Since Apex Legends is a battle royale, ranking up in the division differs.

To constantly progress, you must kill opponents and get valuable items. Winning the match itself will bring a lot of points, but the game does not aim for you to always win for the sake of growth – this indicator is very difficult to achieve.

It will be interesting to play at all stages and in all divisions, but the above levels will require a more subtle understanding of the mechanics and accurate drawing.

If, in the initial ranks, everything will come down more to gunfights and luck, then in later ratings, everything will come down to tactics, grenades and skills, combinations of heroes, and luck.

Developed esports segment

Thanks to a big investment from EA, Games discipline pretty quickly. Great forces were thrown into advertising and organizing tournaments.

The opportunity to become a famous esportsman – if the discipline is popular, then new generations of players will grow who, as a result, have become or will become the stars of the Apex Legends universe. Everyone has a chance – the question is to work, work on yourself, and good luck so that you will certainly be noticed.

Source for tactics and strategies – any esports match is, first and foremost, a source of new information. Professional players spend days and nights training their skills and developing new tactics and ideas to apply in the tournament. In contrast, casual players can follow them through esports and improve their game by looking at the best players.