A Fruit Snack With Tradition

For a nutritious snack that will keep you and your family happy, opt for real fruit instead. Sugar and colors are the main ingredients in most fruit snacks on the market, and it is right there on the label. To provide your kids with a nutritious fruit snack, you can easily create your traditional fruit snacks at home. Let’s get right into making a typical fruit snack, like an online casino player looking for a , without further ado.

Traditional fruit snack with Grapes and Walnut

Saruç, a traditional fruit snack, is prepared to start by drying the grape of Cimini (“Medium Early”), which grows in and around Erzincan (Turkey), stuffing it with walnuts, and stringing it together are traditional methods of preparing and serving. Saruç is a type of molasses or lime-based churchkhela. It is highly sought after in the area where it is produced because of its excellent nutritional value and exceptional scent. As far back as the ancient ages, dried nut shops in Erzincan have been selling this traditional commodity.


  1. Grape, often called “Black Plum Grape,” is high in sugar but also contains vitamins A, B-1, B-2, C, and Niacin. Erzincan province grows Black Plum (Cimin), the only standard variety in Northeastern Agriculture. “Medium Early” grapes include Cimin. These Grapes have thin membrane-like skins. When swallowed, the grape disperses. Its flavor is sour-sweet. It is popular in the province and nearby provinces due to high demand. This late-September-to-early-October type offers 300- to 1500-gram bunches. Black Plum Grape has huge, conical clusters with massive, compact grains.
  2. Walnuts are an ancient fruit. It inhabits plains. Fresh or dried, walnuts are delicious. Hard-shelled fruits include walnuts. The tree has green, firm, and interior walnuts. This food contains thiamine, vitamin B6, folacin, iron, zinc, copper, magnesium, phosphorus, and potassium. Cholesterol-free walnuts. This food contains vital vitamins A, D, E, and K. Walnuts’ nutritional content and adaptability make them versatile. Saruç traditional fruit snacks blend the best of walnut and grape.

Preparation of Traditional fruit snacks

Saruç fruit snacks are made traditionally. Larger grains are processed when grapes are ripe. Since the grains cannot be separated, they are sliced. After removing the grains, dry the bisected pieces on wood and slice them. Protect the grapes from bees and dust with delicate white linen on the wood. Drying takes 3 days. Undried walnuts with medium-sized grains in the skin are preferred. Wet clothes are wrapped over walnuts before stringing to prevent them from cracking. Walnuts are separated into four portions for stringing. Grapes are layered with a 1/4-inch slice of walnut and kept in a plastic jar for six hours until completely covered. Saruç, tied with a meter-long cotton thread, is dried in the sun for a day before being stored. You can preserve the traditional fruit snack for weeks.


The benefits of these traditional fruit snacks would help in muscle relaxation and prevention of arteriosclerosis as medicine for asthenia, general weakness, diarrhea, and anemia.