Seizures, Video Games & Legal Liability: The Hidden Truth
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Video games have been a popular pastime for decades, and it’s easy to see why. Games provide an escape from reality and allow one to explore new worlds or engage in adventures that can be thrilling. There are many different types of video games available on the market, but all of them share one risk in common: seizures.
Video game-induced seizures happen when there is a sudden, rapid change in light patterns shown on the screen. This causes a decrease or halt in brain activity and results in involuntary muscle contractions, which cause someone experiencing this type of seizure to shake uncontrollably for up to four minutes at a time. In this article, we will delve into the hidden truth regarding seizures, video games, and legal liability.
Everything About Video Game Induced Seizures
Not everyone who plays video games will experience seizures, but it is important to know that this condition is a potential risk of prolonged . Seizures can happen at any time, and the length of them depends on how long an individual has been playing. Epileptic seizures or photosensitive epilepsy are triggered by flashing light, mostly of a particular frequency. Not everyone with epilepsy experiences seizures in response to video games. It’s important to note that this type of seizure is very rare and only occurs when the individual has an existing medical condition for it.
Can a Video Game Cause Seizures?
A video game can trigger a seizure in those who have an underlying medical condition. There is no way to predict when a seizure will occur and there are many factors that come into play, such as the following:
Type of Video Game
The type of video game a person is playing will have a lot to do with the risk of seizures. Games that include intense graphics and flashing light patterns are more likely to induce seizures, but it has been proven that this problem does not occur for every player.
Photosensitivity is a term used to describe people who are sensitive to the effects of light. These types of individuals will have problems playing games that include flashing lights, but they can also experience seizures when exposed to other bright sources such as sunlight or strobe lighting.
Flickering of the Screen
The frequency in which a video game flashes can have an effect on seizure risk. Flashing lights are most likely to cause a seizure if they have a frequency of 5 to 30 flashes per second (Hertz).
Length of Time Spent Playing Video Games
The longer someone plays any type of video game increases their chances of experiencing a seizure. It’s important to note that while seizures can happen immediately after starting a game, they also may not occur until several hours of gameplay.
Age and Medical History of the Player
The age range for when people are most susceptible to video game-induced seizures is between 12-25 years old, but epilepsy or other seizure disorders make someone more likely to experience this condition. The medical history of the player is also very important because having a past or current condition that lowers brain activity will make seizures more likely to occur with video games.
The Player’s Environment
The environment someone plays in can impact how long they play before feeling an urge to stop due to fatigue, stress levels, or other environmental factors. These factors affect how much a person plays and increase the risk of having a seizure. They also are crucial in determining whether a player is in an environment that is overwhelming for them to handle, such as a dark noisy room, playing with too many people around, or walking instead of sitting still.
Loud Audio Effects
In addition to light patterns, loud audio effects in video games can also trigger seizures when the volume is too high. It’s important for players and their parents to monitor their surroundings during the activity because even a small number of distractions or environmental factors may make someone more likely to experience a seizure while gaming.
Contrast with Background Lighting
Contrast with background lighting is another factor to consider when playing video games because changes in light patterns can influence how someone’s brain responds. Shifting backgrounds and dark spaces in video games can trigger seizures because the brain misinterprets this change as darkness when they are actually playing in a brightly lit environment.
The wavelength of the Light
The wavelengths of the light can also be a factor in triggering seizures because an individual’s brain is responding to specific types of flashing lights that are present in some video games. It’s important to note that not everyone does experience seizures in response to light, but it is more likely if the colors of the lights are changing very quickly.
Protecting Yourself When Playing Video Games
There are many precautions that can be taken to prevent seizures when playing video games. Here are some important tips to consider:
Get a test to check if you have photosensitive epilepsy
Take frequent breaks while gaming (ideally every 30 minutes)
Talk to a doctor about epilepsy and other medical conditions that may increase the risk of seizures
Use an eye patch or to limit the amount of light exposure while playing games
Do not sit too close to the screen, the distance between yourself and the screen is also an important factor when you are sensitive to light
Do not blink or move your eyes rapidly to be able to focus on the screen since this can induce seizures
Do not play when you are tired or stressed, because these factors can be a trigger
Avoid playing games that have a combination of bright colors and loud audio effects; instead, play video games with more muted lighting or no audio effects
Play on the lowest graphics settings possible to avoid bright light patterns
Do not play video games when you are walking around; consider investing in a gaming chair
Do not play video games with a lot of people around you; instead play alone, especially if you are sensitive to light and loud audio effects
Change the color settings of your console or computer to limit the amount of flashing lights
Limit the amount of time you play per day and week by alternating game titles, limiting multiplayer sessions, or only playing at certain times of the day
If you feel fatigued or light-headed when playing, stop immediately and take a break away from the screen
People who are photosensitive can still play their favorite type of video game, but they need to be cautious when it comes to playing environments (and at least limit the amount of time spent outside of their normal routine).
Symptoms of Video Game Induced Seizures
There aren’t many symptoms that indicate someone is experiencing a video game-induced seizure, but there are some common signs. It’s important to know the difference between these and other seizures because they can all be very serious if not handled quickly or correctly.
– Headache
– Dizziness
– Temporary loss of consciousness or confusion
– Abnormal movements such as twitches, jerks, and tremors in the body’s extremities (arms and legs) for a few seconds
– Loss of bladder or bowel control
Can Video Games Cause Epilepsy?
No, video games do not cause epilepsy. However, playing video games can trigger a seizure in people who are already at risk of having one due to their past or current medical condition. This is why it’s important for anyone with epilepsy (or any other existing health conditions that put them at greater risk) to monitor themselves closely when engaging in this type of activity.
Do All Video Games Have an Epilepsy Warning?
Not all video games have an epilepsy warning, but there are some that do. This usually means that something about the game itself or within its content could trigger a seizure in someone who is sensitive to these types of phenomena. It’s important for gamers with epilepsy (or any other condition that puts them at risk) to do their research before playing any particular video game.
How Seizures are Treated & What to Do When Someone is Having One
In the case of a seizure, it’s important to stay calm and ensure safety for everyone involved. In order to do this properly, you should know the best way to respond and what steps to take to ensure that the person doesn’t get injured or hurt.
– The first thing you need to do is stay calm to effectively handle the situation properly
– Roll the person onto their side once they are lying down (this will prevent choking)
– Put something soft under their head like a pillow, sweater, or jacket; this helps to raise their head and prevent choking
These three things may seem simple, but they’re important when someone is . It’s also worth noting that sometimes after recovering from one type of seizure, people experience another which could be even more serious than the prior episode. This is why it’s vital to call 911 immediately when you notice the smallest signs.
The above are the most common signs of an episode; however, there are other things to look out for if you think someone might be experiencing a seizure. These include:
– Uncontrollable twitching or shaking in the face, hands, and arms
– Loss of awareness, either during the attack (this will usually cause them to stare blankly) or after recovering from one. Another warning sign that could indicate seizures include repetitive movements such as blinking rapidly, lip-smacking, and rapid head-turning. In any case, where someone experiences unusual behavior, make sure to get them help as soon as possible.
Video Game-Induced Seizure & its Legal Ramifications
In the event that a person experiences seizures from playing video games, it’s important to note that most legal jurisdictions consider this an “act of God” which can’t be held against anyone or any organization involved. This is why people with epilepsy (or other health conditions) should always take responsibility for their own well-being by taking all the necessary precautions they need in order to ensure safety and avoid injury while enjoying these types of activities. However, there are some exceptions where courts have found one party responsible if their actions were negligent about warning individuals who might experience seizures during gameplay.
Legal Responsibility in Video Game-Induced Seizure Cases
In the event someone is injured due to seizures triggered by playing video games, they might be able to file a lawsuit against the game’s manufacturer or developer. However, this can only happen if there was negligence on their part when it came to providing adequate warnings about possible health risks for anyone sensitive to these phenomena. Due care must also have been done so that individuals with epilepsy and other health conditions are properly warned about potential issues while enjoying activities related to these types of events. If you’re unsure whether your legal rights were violated after experiencing a seizure caused by activities like video games, the Austin-based personal injury lawyers at recommend consulting qualified professionals who will assist you in understanding your case. If you have a pre-existing medical condition that puts you at risk, it’s important to investigate your legal options in order to get the compensation and justice you deserve and prevent this from happening to others susceptible to episodes
Legal Options for Video Game Induced Seizures
If you have experienced seizures or other side effects because of playing video games, especially if there was no prior warning on the game’s part, then you may have a legal claim that can help you get the compensation you deserve. You need to know all of your rights and find an experienced attorney who can help you take the appropriate action against those liable.
Accessibility Efforts by Video Companies
The video game industry has started to to make its products more accessible for those who are sensitive or at risk of seizures. This includes the use of warning labels and colorblind settings.
– Warnings for those who are photosensitive
– Colorblind friendly display options so that players won’t be overwhelmed by bright colors
– Accessibility settings that can help reduce the frequency of seizures in those who are photosensitive
Which Popular Games Can Cause Seizures?
The following games have been known to cause seizures in some players:
Bayonetta 2
Call Of Duty Black Ops III
Dragon Age: Inquisition
Final Fantasy XIV
Forza Horizon 2
Halo: The Master Chief Collection
Just Cause 3
Mario Kart: Double Dash
Pokemon X/Y
Resident Evil VII Biohazard Splatoon
Until Dawn
Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus
Watch Dogs
Video game companies are always looking for ways to reduce the chances of their , but it’s important to note that most don’t have a history of reported problems. It’s also important to note that some players have a history of seizures, which can make them more susceptible.
Seizures can be a serious problem for children and adults alike. Seizures triggered by video games are not as rare as you may think – please remember to take care of your health if you experience any symptoms while playing. If you have had a seizure in the past, please consult with your doctor before engaging in any activity that could put you at risk again. The law is unclear when it comes to legal liability, so it is advisable to consult an expert if you are looking for legal advice or settlement.
Of course, there is no easy fix for this problem if you or someone you know has epilepsy – but there are things you can do to protect yourself. If you have a history of seizures, talk with your doctor about how much activity is safe for you to engage in. This includes video games and other forms of technology such as smartphones – it is important that you be honest about your medical history when visiting your physician.